THE LIFE AND CHESS OF PAUL MORPHY                                                                                                                                                                           Edge to Fiske - January 6, 1859



Frederick Milns Edge's letter to Daniel Willard Fiske January 6, 1859



     My dear Fiske,

I enclose you all the games in the match with Anderson, who, by the
bye is charmed with the licking he has received. For all chess
intelligence relating to Morphy, look out for a forthcoming article in
the N.Y. Herald.

Morphy is seriously engaged at the present moment in annotating
some 100 of his best games played in America or Europe. Préti edits
for France and Löwenthal for England. The proposition comes from
themselves and they are forcing Morphy to work – which the gentle Paul
does not like.

Look out for the Herald,

Yours very truly,

Fred Edge
