THE LIFE AND CHESS OF PAUL MORPHY                                                                                                                                                                                Edge to Fiske



March 9, 1858

My dear Fiske:

Do not get too excited about the delay this month; it has not been in my power to forward the games sooner. Henceforward, depend upon it, the games will reach you in good time. I only send four,
requesting you to insert whatever there you may see fit, as I really am at a loss to select among those I have here.

The New Orleans Chess Club has challenged Mr. Staunton for a stake of 5,000 dollars. I will send you tomorrow a copy of the letter addressed to that gentleman, together with the proposed "terms of
the match" - I have received a very flattering communication from Belton Bill Co., Texas, informing me that a chess club has been established there under the name of the "Morphy Chess Club" - I understand that another "Morphy Chess Club" has been started in Maine.

Present my regards to each and every member of your club and believe me

                                                                                Ever your best friend
                                                                                Paul Morphy
