THE LIFE AND CHESS OF PAUL MORPHY                                                                                                                                          Morphy's letter to Hampton, October 8, 1858



                         Café de la Régence, Paris, October 7, 1858  

T. Hampton, Esq.
Secretary of St. George's Chess Club:
     Sir: -- I beg respectfully to inform you that the New Orleans Chess Club has deposited £500 at the Banking House of Messrs. Haywood & Co,, London: that sum being my proportion of the stakes in the approaching match with Mr. Staunton.
     I shall esteem it a great honor if the St. George's Chess Club will do me the favor of appointing my seconds in that contest. To such gentlemen as they may appoint I leave the settling of all preliminaries.
     May I request you to lay this communication before the members of the Club and to oblige me with an early answer?
     I have the honor to remain, Sir,
                           Your very humble and obed't servant,
                                       Paul Morphy

