Abramson, Moisey


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1929  862  2105 (77) 12
1930  849  2118 (79) 0
1931  842  2131 (79) 0
1932  792  2145 (78) 0
1933  773  2158 (75) 0
1934  710  2171 (70) 7
1935  682  2184 (73) 0
1936  589  2196 (75) 0
1937  528  2209 (74) 11

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Abramson, Moisey  
Died: Feb. 1977
Gaige has 'Abramzon' in Chess Tournament Crosstables but 'Abramson, Moisey' in Chess Personalia. Di Felice has the latter.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 317
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 242
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 112
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 1
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables IV, page 852

Tournament data

Leningrad 1929 (2)     Regional Committee of Educational Workers Championship     3  /  12
Leningrad 1930 (4)     Leningrad - Moscow Match of Metal Workers Teams    
  Abramson, M. - Bak     2 - 0    
Moscow 1934 (7)     Moscow Tournament     2.5  /  7
Moscow 1937 (4)     Financial Workers Union Championship     7.5  /  11

Player information updated: 30 Jul. 2023