Sydney and Melbourne 1896

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Wallace, Albert    2322 (56) 1 /
Esling, Frederick    2237 (68) 0 /
Crane, William    2205 (63) 0.5 /
Tullidge, William    2110 (95) 0.5 /
Jacobsen, Julius    2254 (63) 0 /
Wilson, F.H.    2091 (66) 1 /
Hall, George    2177 (61) 0 /
Younkman, Landau    2118 (144) 1 /
Britton, Alexander    2136 (69) 0.5 /
Hodgson, Robert    2118 (57) 0.5 /
Scott, P.M.    1874 (92) 1 /
Loughran, Edwin    2056 (66) 0 /
Jonas, William    2005 (85) 0.5 /
Stanley, John    1949 (78) 0.5 /
Walker, Phillip    1859 (95) 0 /
Noall, A.J.    2049 (130) 1 /
Mackenzie, C.    1680 (107) 1 /
Heaver, Michael    1892 (91) 0 /
Henderson, Stephen    1942 (88) 0 /
Haviland, C.    1940 (95) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 16th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Melbourne
Start date: 24 May 1896
End date: 25 May 1896
The Australian Chess Annual (1896) gives date as 25 May 1896. OzBase has 24 May 1896 for all games but Esling-Wallace, which has date 25 May 1896.
   Bignold, Australian Chess Annual, page 15
   Dunn, Paul.  [16th NSW v VIC Telegraphic Match 1896]

Tournament information updated: 2 May 2017