Philadelphia 1882

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Michaelis, Otho    2458 (61) 14 / 16 
Hoskins, Charles    2433 (83) 12 / 16 
Priester, August    2354 (61) 12 / 17 
Newman, Charles    2353 (62) 11 / 17 
Roberts, James    2318 (76) 8 / 11 
Elson, Jacob    2401 (58) 7 / 10 
Wells, H.B.    2041 (74) 7 / 18 
Adams, G.B.    1979 (89) 6 / 19 
Harman (1)    1979 (88) 6 / 19 
Barrett, Samuel    2303 (77) 4.5 /
Thompson, David    2183 (62) 2.5 /
Miller, Emlen    1845 (89) 2 / 13 
Whitton, J.    1639 (130) 1 / 17 
Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Hoskins, Charles    2433 (83) 2 /
Priester, August    2354 (61) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Philadelphia Chess Club Tournament
Place: Philadelphia
Start date: 1882
End date: June 1882
Reichhelm indicates that blanks in the crosstable 'show that either the games were not played or the record was lost. Thus the results may not be complete. The Chess Player's Chronicle of July 12, 1882 reports that this tournament 'has been finally brought to a close', so it probably finished in June.
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 35