Prague 1903 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Důras, Oldřich    2542 (39) 1 /
Klapp, R.    0 /
Dyk, Viktor    2263 (50) 0.5 /
Sika, Tomáš    2215 (61) 0.5 /
Kvíčala, Antonín (1)    1991 (96) 0.5 /
Zmatlík, Karel    1711 (170) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Czech Chess Club - Dubruský Club Match
Place: Prague
Start date: 18 Jan. 1903
End date: 18 Jan. 1903
Only partial results available. This was a 12-a-side team match but Fialagives results only for Duras-Klapp and the two other games that were drawn. The winners of the other games on either side are known, but not their opponents.
   Fiala, Olrich Duras, Vol.1, page 234

Tournament page created: 13 Jan. 2019