New York 1875 (5)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 1.5 /
Delmar, Eugene    2438 (34) 0.5 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 1 /
Delmar, Eugene    2438 (34) 1 /
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 1 /
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 0 /
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 1 /
Marache, Napoleon    1990 (111) 0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 1 /
Crosbie    0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move
Mason, James    2504 (33) 0 /
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 1 /
  Mason, James gave odds of pawn and move
Mason, James    2504 (33) 2 /
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 0 /
Mason, James    2504 (33) 1 /
Marache, Napoleon    1990 (111) 0 /
  Mason, James gave odds of pawn and move
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 1 /
Marache, Napoleon    1990 (111) 0 /
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 2 /
Barnett, James    2308 (51) 1 /
Alberoni, Edward    2455 (32) 2.5 /
Delmar, Eugene    2438 (34) 0.5 /
Mackenzie, George    2538 (41) 0.5 /
Barnett, James    2308 (51) 1.5 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Cafe International Tournament - First Class Section
Place: New York
Start date: 26 Feb. 1875
End date: May 1875
Only partial results available. This was the first-class section of a 5-section tournament, with 3-game matches between each pair of opponents, where the winners of the 5 sections were intended to play off at the end. However, the tournament was abandoned before play in the individual sections had been completed. Although all seven players were first class, the rules stated that Mackenzie and Mason had to give Pawn and Move in their first game against each opponent, and the Move in the second game, while the move in the third was to be decided by coin toss. Draws however, seem not to have counted, and were replayed with the same odds. We know for example that the first game between Mackenzie and Barnett was a draw, and in their second game, Mackenzie again gave Pawn and Move to Barnett. This particular match was left unfinished. Van Winsen gives results for some pairings, but we don't have a complete crosstable, not even complete in terms of games actually played. What we do know about some individual pairings is recorded here as match results. Since it is not clear who played first in the third game of a match, and odds of a move in a single game does not have much meaning, I have ignored this and counted games after the first in each match as played even. In some cases we know only who won the encounter (and won at least one game), so I record those as 1-0. If the game for which we know the result was the first, and Mackenzie or Mason was the player, I record it as with Pawn and Move odds. If the game for which we know the result was not the first, I record it as played even. In some cases (Mason-Alberoni, Alberoni-Barnett), we know who won the encounter, and know that each player won one game at least. In such cases, I assume that the winner of the encounter won the remaining game (though of course there might have been additional draws). Van Winsen gives the seven players here as certainly in the first class section, but says that three other players are mentioned at some point as potential first class participants (Albert Merian, Hans A.W. Lindehn, John S. Turner), but we have no other confirmation that they actually played. Marache is assumed to be the identity of the player named 'Smith' here, as this was known as a nom de guerre that he sometimes used. Note that Marache died suddenly on 11 May 1875.
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. VII, page 91, 92

Tournament page created: 30 Jul. 2023