New York 1938 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Horowitz, Al    2503 (36) 0 /
Reshevsky, Samuel    2612 (32) 1 /
Kupchik, Abraham    2436 (42) 1 /
Polland, David    2410 (35) 0 /
Kashdan, Isaac    2523 (33) 0 /
Fine, Reuben    2619 (32) 1 /
Simonson, Albert    2454 (40) 0 /
Marshall, Frank    2455 (43) 1 /
Denker, Arnold    2418 (41) 1 /
Hanauer, Milton    2336 (37) 0 /
Platz, Joseph    2225 (44) 0.5 /
Santasiere, Anthony    2345 (32) 0.5 /
Willman, Robert    2392 (46) 0.5 /
Mott-Smith, Kenneth    2268 (62) 0.5 /
Cohen, S.S.    2298 (43) 0.5 /
Sussman, Harold    2207 (50) 0.5 /
Tenner, Oscar    2117 (51) 0 /
Green, Matthew    2252 (42) 1 /
Fisher, J. (2)    1996 (191) 0.5 /
Reinfeld, Fred    2323 (38) 0.5 /
Newman, James    2064 (78) 0.5 /
Dunst, Theodore    2297 (53) 0.5 /
Schwartz, Edward    2269 (67) 0.5 /
Schlesinger, Philip    2230 (64) 0.5 /
Kreymborg, Alfred    2018 (119) 1 /
Adams, Edward    2063 (78) 0 /
Grossman, Nathan    2173 (73) 0.5 /
Cass, Alvin    2079 (53) 0.5 /
Phillips, Harold    2029 (68) 0.5 /
Howard, Kenneth    1925 (81) 0.5 /
Soudakoff, Jack    2111 (49) 1 /
Bigelow, Horace    2011 (95) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manhattann Club - Marshall Club Match
Place: New York
Start date: 12 Mar. 1938
End date: 12 Mar. 1938
Woodger says that Bernstein and Seidman were playing for the Marshall Club, but the full results given by Di Felice do not include them.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 217
   Lahde, Isaac Kashdan, page 35, 200, 309
   Woodger, Reuben Fine, page 191

Tournament information updated: 13 Sept. 2023