Nuremberg 1896

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Lasker, Emanuel    2722 (35) 13.5 / 18 
Maróczy, Géza    2592 (36) 12.5 / 18 
Pillsbury, Harry    2618 (29) 12 / 18 
Tarrasch, Siegbert    2641 (36) 12 / 18 
Janowsky, Dawid    2588 (29) 11.5 / 18 
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2620 (31) 11 / 18 
Walbrodt, Carl    2541 (32) 10.5 / 18 
Schlechter, Carl    2566 (27) 10.5 / 18 
Chigorin, Mikhail    2614 (29) 9.5 / 18 
Schiffers, Emanuel    2526 (32) 9.5 / 18 
Blackburne, Joseph    2542 (36) 9 / 18 
Charousek, Rezső    2585 (33) 8.5 / 18 
Marco, Georg    2502 (27) 8 / 18 
Albin, Adolf    2393 (28) 7 / 18 
Winawer, Szymon    2478 (35) 6.5 / 18 
Porges, Moritz    2443 (51) 5.5 / 18 
Showalter, Jackson    2523 (31) 5.5 / 18 
Schallopp, Emil    2335 (46) 4.5 / 18 
Teichmann, Richard    2477 (33) 4 / 18 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Nuremberg Tournament
Place: Nuremberg
Start date: 19 July 1896
End date: 10 Aug. 1896
The tournament opened on 19 July 1896 with a preliminary meeting, but play began on 20 July 1896. Feenstra Kuiper and Di Felice give end date 11 Aug. 1896; Gaige gives end date 10 Aug. 1896; Pope gives date of Pillsbury's last game as 9 Aug. 1896. Tim Harding (personal communication, from Tarrasch's tournament book and from the Morning Post and the Standard of 11 Aug. 1896) believes the last round was played in 10 Aug. 1896, including Pillsbury's last game (a win against Steinitz). Pope gives location as 'Nuremburg' instead of 'Nuremberg'.
   Adams, Mikhail Chigorin, page 34
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 167
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 42, 209, facing 49
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 502
   Forster, Negele and Tischbierek, Emanuel Lasker, Vol.I, page 40
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables I, page 109
   Goldman, Carl Schlechter!, page 106
   Hannak, Emanuel Lasker, page 57
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 355
   Pope, Harry Nelson Pillsbury, page 94
   Reichhelm and Shipley, Chess in Philadelphia, page 145
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 227
   Sericano, C.  [Norimberga 1896]

Tournament information updated: 19 Aug. 2022