Harrwitz, D. – Lecrivain, L.S. 1853 (1)

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Harrwitz, Daniel    2641 (36) 5.5/
Lécrivain, Siméon    2269 (54) 1.5/
  Harrwitz, Daniel gave odds of pawn and move
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Paris
Start date: Feb. 1853
End date: Feb. 1853
This match was played on a visit by Harrwitz to Paris during a break in his match with Williams. The British Chess Review of Feb. 1853 (p.61) says that Harrwitz is in France and expected back in early Feb., so he probably went there from London in Jan. 1853. The Mar. 1853 issue (p.94) says that Harrwitz returned from Paris just before 25 Feb., so I will guess that this match took place in Feb. 1853 (though it might have been in Jan.).
   [BCR], vol. 1, no. 4, Apr. 1853, page 109