Morphy, P.C. – Smith, Sa. 1858

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Morphy, Paul    2795 (29) 1/
Smith, Samuel    0/
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: New York
Start date: 8 June 1858
End date: 8 June 1858
I am guessing that the 'Mr. Smith, of the Athenaeum Club, Philadelphia' with whom Morphy played immediately before leaving for Europe was Lloyd P. Smith. No odds are mentioned, so I presume it was played even.
   Lange and Falkbeer, Paul Morphy Sketch, page 110
   [CMNY], vol. 2, no. 7, July 1858, page 221
   [FLIN], 19 June 1858

Match information updated: 23 Aug. 2019