Mackenzie, G.H. – Maurian, C.A. 1881

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Mackenzie, George    2569 (38) 8/12 
Maurian, Charles    2373 (62) 4/12 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: New Orleans
Start date: Dec. 1881
End date: Dec. 1881
The 15 Feb. 1882 issue of the Chess Player's Chronicle says Mackenzie gave a simultaneous exhibition on 28 Dec. 1881, while visiting New Orleans and that he played this series of 12 games with Maurian during the same visit, with result +7-3=2 for Mackenzie. I guess that they took place in Dec. 1881, though they might have extended into Jan. 1882.
   [CPC], vol. 6, no. 107, 15 Feb. 1882, page 82