Paris 1849 (11)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Preti, Jean-Louis    2356 (55) 1 /
Garcin (1)    2088 (70) 0 /
Benoît-Crampel    2346 (74) 1 /
Seguin, C.A.    2570 (64) 0 /
Pfeiffer (1)    2224 (88) 1 /
Valson    1995 (91) 0 /
Journoud, Paul    2287 (61) 1 /
Respinger    2173 (70) 0 /
Warnet    2205 (62) 1 /
Carnot    1977 (133) 0 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2356 (55) 1 /
Benoît-Crampel    2346 (74) 0 /
Journoud, Paul    2287 (61) 1 /
Pfeiffer (1)    2224 (88) 0 /
Garcin (1)    2088 (70) 1 /
Journoud, Paul    2287 (61) 0 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2356 (55) 1 /
Garcin (1)    2088 (70) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 42nd Café de la Régence tournament
Place: Paris
Start date: 3 Nov. 1849
End date: 3 Nov. 1849
Cornil indicates that Garcin lost his first round game to Preti and that Warnet won his first round game against Carnot. In round 2, Warnet is shown as getting a bye and Garcin is not listed. But then in round 3, Warnet is gone and Garcin reappears. Thus, it would appear that Garcin replaced Warnet in round 3. One game per pairing in these weekly tournaments, as explained by Delannoy (La Régence, 1849, p.106).
   Cornil, Le Café de la Régence, page 53
   [Reg], vol. 1, no. 12, Dec. 1849, page 367