London, England 1890 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Serraillier, Lucien    2192 (101) 1 /
Ballard, William    2230 (75) 0 /
Heppell, James    2208 (69) 0.5 /
Jones-Bateman, Ernest    2319 (61) 0.5 /
Vyse, W. Elliot    1998 (82) 0 /
Burroughs, Francis    2027 (69) 1 /
Smith, Stephen    2132 (56) 0 /
Chepmell, Claude    2159 (72) 1 /
Anger, Frederick    2167 (67) 0.5 /
Gover, F. Field    2119 (67) 0.5 /
Jacobs, Herbert    2279 (59) 0 /
Jackson, Edward    2185 (76) 1 /
Knight, W.J.J.    2132 (120) 1 /
Jowett, W.W.    0 /
Block, Theodore    2212 (64) 1 /
Lambert, Charles    2243 (45) 0 /
Howell, Percy    1 /
Macfarlane    0 /
Hooke, George    2272 (69) 0 /
Minchin, James    2164 (60) 1 /
Sugden, James    1771 (113) 1 /
Minchin, Charles    2037 (54) 0 /
Ross, Thomas    2179 (68) 1 /
Nedeyano    1871 (164) 0 /
Stevens, Samuel    2152 (85) 1 /
Pearse, Arthur    1958 (77) 0 /
Moriau, Camille    2300 (82) 1 /
Puller, Charles    2045 (102) 0 /
Gibbons, Thomas    2124 (40) 0 /
Skipworth, Arthur    2241 (46) 1 /
Eckenstein, E.    0 /
Wayte, William    2334 (67) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London - Saint George's Club Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 30 May 1890
End date: 30 May 1890
A number of players at this event are only tentatively identified, since the report in the British Chess Magazine gives mostly only surnames, and in some cases where initials are given, there is some doubt about their correctness. For example, I am guessing that 'Bateman' was 'E. Jones-Bateman', a relatively strong London player of the time. 'Jackson', I suppose is 'E.M. Jackson'. 'Knight' I guess is 'W.J. Knight'. 'C.E. Lambert' is almost certainly 'C.J. Lambert'. 'A. Block' I am guessing is actually 'T. Block' without further evidence of another player of the same surname but different initial. 'Howell' could be 'P. Howell', 'A. Howell', or 'J.D. Howell', all City of London Club players of about this time, and I really have little idea which played in this event. I am guessing at 'Percy Howell' on the strength of his more numerous mentions in the chess magazines, and the fact that it was he who played for the City of London Club against the Saint George's in 1891. 'Ross' was probably 'T. Ross', as his name is given in many issues of the British Chess Magazine of the time, and I suspect that this is 'Thomas Richard Edmund Ross', who was still playing for the City of London Club in 1909-1910. 'Stephens' I guess is 'S.J. Stevens'. 'Puller' is very likely 'Charles Giles Puller' (or 'Charles Giles-Puller' as he became known). I am also not sure whether Gibbons' initials were 'T.E.' or 'T.C.'.
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 214
   [BCM], vol. 10, no. 6, June 1890, page 219