Halifax 1882

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Mills, Daniel    2230 (43) 2 /
Waight, Henry    1818 (81) 0 /
Bilborough, Alfred    1983 (68) 0.5 /
Francis, Edward    2027 (98) 1.5 /
Hussey, Edward    1918 (59) 0 /
Common, Arthur    1958 (88) 2 /
Bennett, Charles    2015 (57) 1.5 /
Sutcliffe, Joshua    1972 (105) 0.5 /
Stringer, John    1861 (64) 1 /
Cockin, Samuel    1832 (83) 1 /
Shaw, John    1883 (109) 1 /
Whitley, Phineas    1886 (80) 1 /
Myers, J.    0 /
Gascoigne, William    1 /
Hurley, A.C.    0 /
Hodgson, E.    1691 (143) 2 /
Rayner, James    2215 (82) 2 /
Spenser, Norcliffe    1548 (132) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Leeds - Halifax Club Match
Place: Halifax
Start date: 23 Nov. 1882
End date: 23 Nov. 1882
R. Henry of Leeds was supposed to play Pickles of Halifax, but the latter did not appear to play. Some of the player identifications are uncertain. Steve Mann has William Collett Myers playing for Leeds, but his source has 'J. Myers' and there were other events with a 'J. Myers' listed as playing for Leeds.
   [CPC], vol. 6, no. 148, 29 Nov. 1882, page 568
   [LW], 2 Dec. 1882
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1882 (Nov): Halifax v Leeds]

Tournament information updated: 17 Dec. 2017