Leeds 1884 (8)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Bays, George    1810 (91) 1 /
Charlesworth, Jonas    1663 (115) 0 /
Tetley, John    1858 (91) 0.5 /
Frost, F.    1722 (198) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: West Yorkshire Chess Association Meeting - Class V
Place: Leeds
Start date: 26 Apr. 1884
End date: 26 Apr. 1884
The draw between Tetley and Frost was not played off and no final was played. Bays took first prize, and Tetley and Frost shared second. The British Chess Magazine of May 1884 (p.213) has 'J.H. Bates (Wakefield)' here, while the Leeds Mercury has 'G.H. Bays, jun., Wakefield'.
   [BCM], vol. 4, no. 5, May 1884, page 213
   [LeM], vol. 121, no. 14369, 28 Apr. 1884, page 7

Tournament page created: 23 Mar. 2016