London, England 1875 (17)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Sonstadt    1854 (124) 1 /
Lloyd, T.E.    1777 (178) 1 /
Ellerton    2 /
Taylor, J. Paul    1680 (131) 0 /
Block, Theodore    1882 (103) 2 /
Porter (1)    0 /
Tasker, W.    1967 (154) 2 /
Molyneux, J.    1772 (162) 0 /
Scott, T.R.    1947 (139) 1 /
Stauffer    1647 (165) 1 /
Ifould    1731 (135) 1.5 /
Oliver (1)    1532 (184) 0.5 /
Desvignes, F.C.    1527 (200) 1 /
Styles    1525 (211) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London Club Rook Class - North London Club Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 23 June 1875
End date: 23 June 1875
Keine of the City of London Club won two by forfeit against Grace of North London, who was absent. I am guessing that the 'Molyneux' in this event was J. Molyneux, but it could have been E.H. Molyneux.
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 6, July 1875, page 191

Tournament page created: 22 Jul. 2022