Semmering 1936

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Graf, Sonja    2138 (32) 10.5 / 11 
Benini, Clarice    1952 (66) 7 / 11 
Harum, Gisela    1846 (50) 6.5 / 11 
Roodzant, Catharina    1843 (57) 6.5 / 11 
Flandin, Maud    1847 (70) 6 / 11 
Gerlecka, Regina    1820 (57) 6 / 11 
Michell, Edith    1892 (49) 6 / 11 
Reischer, Salome    1722 (58) 5 / 11 
Beskow, Katerina    1721 (59) 4.5 / 11 
Faragó, Clara    1743 (61) 4 / 11 
Hermanowa, Róża    1632 (59) 2.5 / 11 
Lutia, Ms.    1493 (108) 1.5 / 11 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: International Ladies Tournament
Place: Semmering
Start date: 8 July 1936
End date: 15 July 1936
The crosstable in Magyar Sakkvilag shows the game Gerlecka - Harum as a draw. The crosstable in Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond shows this as a win for Harum. Consequently, in Magyar Sakkvilag, Gerlecka has 6.5 points and Harum has 6, while in Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond, these scores are reversed and Harum and Roodzant are shown as winning third and fourth prizes. Feenstra Kuiper and the Wiener Schachzeitung have no crosstable, but give scores consistent with the latter, so I will guess that this is correct.
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 150
   [MSV], 1936
   [TNS], vol. 44, no. 8, Aug. 1936, page 216
   [WSZ], vol. 33, no. 13, July 1936, page 216
   Negele, Michael.  [Life story of female prodigy Sonja Graf-Stevenson]

Tournament information updated: 30 Jul. 2023