Hamilton, Ontario 1858 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Birdsall, R.    2 /
Harvey (1)    1 /
Dore (1)    2 /
Reynolds (2)    0 /
Case, H.N.    2042 (206) 2.5 /
Holden (1)    1909 (214) 1.5 /
McLaughlin    2 /
Foster (2)    1914 (217) 0 /
Hurlburt, Jesse    2043 (156) 2 /
Bull, H.B.    1710 (202) 0 /
Park, S.    1977 (203) 2 /
Judd, William    1868 (163) 0 /
Wetenhall    1772 (213) 2 /
Harris, Thomas    1800 (206) 1 /
Dore (1)    2 /
Wetenhall    1772 (213) 0 /
Birdsall, R.    2 /
McLaughlin    0 /
Dore (1)    2 /
Hurlburt, Jesse    2043 (156) 0 /
Boultbee, William    2 /
Ambrose (1)    0 /
Case, H.N.    2042 (206) 3 /
Park, S.    1977 (203) 1 /
Birdsall, R.    2 /
Boultbee, William    0 /
Dore (1)    2 /
Case, H.N.    2042 (206) 0 /
Birdsall, R.    5 /
Dore (1)    1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Hamilton Tournament
Place: Hamilton, Ontario
Start date: 1 Nov. 1858
End date: Dec. 1858
This was an 18-player knockout tournament. No handicaps are mentioned, so I presume there weren't any. In the first round, Boultbee beat O'Reilly by default (the latter did not appear) and Ambrose beat W.H. Park by default (the latter did not appear). The first round left 9 winners, so Dore and Wetenhall played to reduce the number to 8 players to go on to the second round. The Semi-Weekly Spectator of 30 Oct. 1858 (p.3) says the tournament will start 1 Nov. 1858. The Semi-Weekly Spectator of 3 Nov. 1858 (p.2) says it started 'yesterday'. The final results are reported in the 4 Dec. 1858 issue of the Semi-Weekly Spectator, so I am guessing that it ended in the first few days of December.
   [SWS], 30 Oct. 1858, page 3
   [SWS], 3 Nov. 1858, page 2
   [SWS], 4 Dec. 1858, page 3

Tournament page created: 1 Feb. 2023