Adelaide and Perth, Western Australia 1902

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
McArthur, William    2071 (85) 0 /
Viner, William    2296 (79) 1 /
Coombe, Ephraim    1935 (117) 0.5 /
Hilton, John    2039 (77) 0.5 /
Harrison, William    1951 (88) 1 /
Colebatch, Hal    1925 (88) 0 /
Bowen, R.    1837 (79) 1 /
Siebenhaar, Willem    1928 (74) 0 /
Noack, J.C.    1900 (106) 0.5 /
Pedersen, H.M.    1762 (163) 0.5 /
Charlick, Arthur    1865 (107) 1 /
Farrington, William    1842 (76) 0 /
Bebee, H.J.K.    1 /
Muller, R. (1)    0 /
Clarke, T.H.    0.5 /
Mather, J.    0.5 /
Simmons, William    1928 (116) 1 /
Bates, G.    0 /
Gold, J.S.    0 /
McDonald, A.N.    1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 1st South Australia - Western Australia Telegraphic Match
Place: Adelaide and Perth, Western Australia
Start date: 1 Jan. 1902
End date: 1 Jan. 1902
I am just assuming that the locations were Adelaide and Perth, as the major cities in South and Western Australia.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 24