London, England 1876 (12)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Blackburne, Joseph    2619 (45) 1 /
Baxter, Alexander    1848 (103) 0 /
  Blackburne, Joseph gave odds of a knight
Herzfeld, A.G.    1797 (126) 0 /
Smith, Gordon    1985 (86) 2 /
Detmold, Charles    1721 (148) 1 /
Batt, E.    1841 (108) 1 /
Klein, E. (1)    1935 (159) 2 /
Griffith (1)    1811 (161) 0 /
McLeod, B.    1834 (77) 2 /
Bowyer (1)    1776 (115) 0 /
Manning, Julius    1625 (91) 1 /
Inman, J.    1790 (139) 1 /
Kislingbury    1687 (179) 0 /
Hegewuld    1890 (175) 2 /
Walker, F.S.    2 /
Roques    0 /
Wargha, D.    1701 (171) 1 /
Godfrey    1760 (106) 1 /
Scott, T.R.    1947 (140) 0.5 /
Swainson, A.    1748 (177) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London Club Knight Class - Athenaeum Club Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 10 May 1876
End date: 10 May 1876
The Illustrated London News of 20 May 1876 says this was played 'on the 10th ult.', which should mean 10 Apr. 1876. However, the Westminster Papers of 1 Jun. 1876 (p.25) also say 'On the 10th ultimo', which should mean 10 May 1876. I will guess that the latter is correct, so that the former should have said 'the 10th inst.'. This event is not mentioned in Harding's biography of Blackburne, and in fact, he has Blackburne playing a game against Minchin in the Simpson's Divan tournament on 10 Apr. 1876. Tim Harding (personal correspondence) says that it could in fact have been played on 10 Apr., and either Blackburne played both games (in different events) on that day, or the Simpson's Divan game against Minchin may have been played on a later day, since the schedule was somewhat flexible. In fact, he pointed me to a statement in the (London) Standard of 14 Apr. 1876 (p.6) stating that Blackburne's two games against Minchin in the Divan tournament were played on Thursday 13 Apr. 1876. In any case, it seems more likely that it took place on 10 May 1876. I do not know which 'Swainson' played in this event and am only guessing that it was 'A. Swainson' rather than 'C. Swainson'.
   [Fld], 19 May 1876
   [ILN], vol. 68, no. 1921, 20 May 1876, page 503
   [WP], vol. 9, no. 2, 1 June 1876, page 25

Tournament information updated: 5 Jan. 2023