Liverpool 1877 (1)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games    Class 
Allaire, J.E.    2205 (73) 7 /
Soul, Cornelius    2128 (64) 5 /
Whitehead, Thomas    1788 (66) 4.5 /
Moesch, Charles    1766 (75) 5 / 10 
Wright, Samuel    1796 (66) 5 / 10 
Burn, Amos    2470 (48) 6.5 / 12 
Ferguson, George    2057 (58) 5.5 / 10 
Herman, C.    1686 (81) 6.5 / 12  10 
Beakbane, Alfred    2021 (83) 4 /
Hill, G.    2046 (100) 4 /
McLintock, R.    1571 (92) 3 / 10 
Jäger, George    1643 (90) 2 /
Genn, Diego    1712 (134) 0.5 /
Kidson, Henry    2016 (82) 0.5 /
  Odds for class difference of 1: pawn and move
  Odds for class difference of 2: pawn and two moves
  Odds for class difference of 3: a knight
  Odds for class difference of 4: a rook
  Odds for class difference of 5: pawn and move
  Odds for class difference of 6: a knight
  Odds for class difference of 7: a rook
  Odds for class difference of 8: rook and move
  Odds for class difference of 9: rook, pawn and move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Liverpool Club Tournament
Place: Liverpool
Start date: 20 Nov. 1876
End date: 12 Mar. 1877
Forster's crosstable has inconsistent entries for Beakbane (-) against Hill (1), and Herman (1) against Genn (-). I will guess that both games were played so that Beakbane's entry should be 0 against Hill, and Genn's entry should be 0 against Herman. I have set the odds classes in a strange way to force my system to assign the right odds between classes, since Burn had to give extra odds that were not consistent with just being one class above class 'I'.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 147
   [ILN], vol. 70, no. 1973, 5 May 1877, page 431