Sydney and Brisbane 1900

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Jacobsen, Julius    2303 (71) 1 /
Apperly, Henry    1959 (86) 0 /
Palmer, Alexander    2084 (77) 1 /
Jonas, William    2055 (64) 0 /
Wallis, Francis    1756 (84) 1 /
Billing, Charles    1741 (91) 0 /
Boyce, John    1757 (116) 1 /
Melville, W.G.    1804 (138) 0 /
Taylour, Henry    1831 (78) 0 /
Bell, G.T.    1792 (100) 1 /
Stumm, Charles    1487 (166) 0 /
Christensen, James    1950 (76) 1 /
Pietzcker, John    1759 (103) 0 /
Addison, G.H.M.    1868 (104) 1 /
Hounslow, C.    1 /
Spedding, J.    0 /
Colquhoun, R.C.    1 /
Parkinson, H.W.    0 /
Dix, H.E.    0 /
Turner, Charles    1896 (112) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 7th New South Wales - Queensland Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Brisbane
Start date: 17 Nov. 1900
End date: 17 Nov. 1900
I am just assuming the locations were Syndey and Brisbane.
   Dunn, Paul.  [7th NSW v QLD Telegraphic Match 1900]