Sarah's Chess Journal

         my journal, blog, web log, blog.....about

         The History and The Culture of Chess

Chess in the Renaissance
July 2006



    The Renaissance
Introduction and links
    Seeds to the Renaissance
The conditions leading up to the Renaissance
    The Catalysts
The immediate causes for the Renaissance
    The Black Death
The ramifications from this unique event
    Da Vinci
The Renaissance Ideal
    Chess Literature
Renaissance writings on Chess
    Chess Players
The first Masters of Modern Chess
    Sofonisba Anguissola
Woman, Artist, Chess Player 
    Schaccia, Ludus by Vida
In Latin and in English
    Caissa  by William Jones
Jones' famous poem

Other related pages:

Aristotle's Children
Jacobus de Cessolis
Symbolism: de ludo scachorum
Chess Rules through the Ages


Archives by Title



The Life and Chess of Paul Morphy

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Bill Wall's Chess Pages
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