Staunton, H. – Cronhelm, E. 1852

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Staunton, Howard    2644 (43) 1/
Cronhelm, Edward    2017 (107) 0/
  Staunton, Howard gave odds of pawn and two moves
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Halifax, Yorkshire
Start date: 9 June 1852
End date: 9 June 1852
A single game played with Cronhelm during Staunton's visit to Halifax. Although the Chess Player's Chronicle gives the date of this event as 9 Jun. 1852, it is reported in the 6 Jun. 1852 issue of the Era, which says it took place 'last week'. The event is also mentioned in the 29 May 1852 issue of the Chess Player, though whether this was actually published on that date I am not sure.
   [CPC], vol. 13, no. 7, July 1852, page 222
   [Era], vol. 14, no. 715, 6 June 1852, page 6
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1852: Staunton in Halifax]

Match information updated: 6 Jan. 2014