Parker, J. (3)


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1882  472  1973 (131) 2
1883  500  1987 (129) 0
1884  518  2001 (126) 2
1885  514  2005 (129) 0
1886  492  2009 (132) 0
1887  494  2013 (134) 0
1888  487  2017 (136) 0
1889  467  2021 (138) 0
1890  487  2024 (139) 0
1891  489  2028 (141) 0
1892  513  2032 (142) 0
1893  512  2036 (143) 0
1894  518  2040 (144) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Parker, J. (3)  
Forster identifies this player as 'Parker (Wakefield)'. The British Chess Magazine of Dec. 1884 (p.440) has 'J. Parker, Wakefield'. I am guessing that the 'J. Parker' of Leeds in 1894 is the same person. Steve Mann speculates (personal communication) that he moved from Wakefield to Leeds around 1891. There was also a 'J. Parker' of Windhill (an outskirt of Bradford) in 1882, who I am guessing is also the same person.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 966
   [BCM], vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1884, page 440
   [BCM], vol. 14, no. 5, May 1894, page 192
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1882: Rawdon v Windhill]
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1884: Lancashire v Yorkshire]

Tournament data

Rawdon 1882 (2)     Rawdon - Windhill Club Match    
  Parker, J. (3) - Wilkinson, J. (1)     1 - 1    
Manchester 1884     Lancashire - Yorkshire County Match    
  Parker, J. (3) - von Zabern, T.     1 - 1    
London, England 1894 (1)     North and South Match    
  Parker, J. (3) - Deighton, F.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 17 Dec. 2017