Holdheim, Otto


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1861  224  2025 (97) 5
1862  215  2037 (94) 8
1863  218  2023 (100) 0
1864  239  2009 (105) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Holdheim, Otto  
Renette and Zavatarelli have 'P. Holdheim' on p.201, but in their index this is listed under 'Holdheim, Otto'. I presume the initial 'P' is an error.
   Renette and Zavatarelli, Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle, page 96, 201, 372
   [SZ], vol. 16, no. 7, July 1861, page 224
   [SZ], vol. 16, no. 8, Aug. 1861, page 261
   [SZ], vol. 16, no. 9, Sep. 1861, page 291
   [SZ], vol. 16, no. 10, Oct. 1861, page 351
   [SZ], vol. 17, no. 3, Mar. 1862, page 78, 88
   [SZ], vol. 17, no. 10, Oct. 1862, page 326

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Gartner, E. - Holdheim, O. 1861         (s)     2   -   1
Weile, O. - Holdheim, O. 1861         (c)     1   -   1
Amelung, F.L. - Holdheim, O. 1862         (c)     6   -   2
Neumann, G.R.L. - Holdheim, O. 1864         (f)     1   -   0      Neumann, G.R.L. gave odds of a knight

Player information updated: 8 Jan. 2024