London, England 1905 (4)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Burn, Amos    2514 (32) 1 /
Blake, Joseph    2325 (59) 0 /
Lawrence, Thomas    2397 (55) 1 /
Tattersall, Cecil    2272 (54) 0 /
Ward, William    2410 (41) 1 /
Mackenzie, Arthur    2218 (42) 0 /
Jacobs, Herbert    2270 (55) 0.5 /
Jones, Edward O.    2208 (65) 0.5 /
Smith, Stephen    2231 (59) 1 /
Sergeant, Edward    2197 (44) 0 /
Hamond, Francis    2278 (41) 1 /
Mortimer, James    2137 (38) 0 /
Trenchard, Herbert    2294 (58) 1 /
Gattie, Walter    2136 (63) 0 /
Shoosmith, Hector    2320 (33) 0.5 /
Greenwell, Hubert    2043 (160) 0.5 /
Michell, Reginald    2416 (38) 0.5 /
Macbean, William    2207 (46) 0.5 /
Howell, Clarence    2338 (45) 0.5 /
Cornwall, C.F.    2006 (192) 0.5 /
Wainwright, George    2343 (36) 1 /
Morrison, George    2015 (169) 0 /
Lorch, Charles    2118 (60) 0 /
Dixon, W.B.    2111 (139) 1 /
Sergeant, Philip    2086 (47) 1 /
Haydon, Thomas    0 /
Curnock, Arthur    2219 (49) 1 /
Heron, George    0 /
Barlow, Henry    2265 (54) 0 /
Keliher, Thomas    2192 (169) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London Club - Metropolitan Club Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 11 Nov. 1905
End date: 11 Nov. 1905
This was a 50-board inter-club match, with result 34-16 for the City of London Club. Forster gives results only for the first 15 boards. The games Jacobs-Jones, Shoosmith-Greenwell and Lorch-Dixon were adjudicated.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 678
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 245

Tournament information updated: 24 Jul. 2013