Cambridge 1904

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Napier, William    2516 (29) 1 /
Gunston, William    2290 (38) 0 /
Leonhardt, Paul    2433 (28) 1 /
Webb, Herbert    1929 (143) 0 /
Bowles, Henry    1891 (94) 1 /
Bateman, Harry    1841 (115) 0 /
Tripp, H.    1 /
Brown, B. Goulding    1755 (121) 0 /
Gore, H.St.J.    1 /
Leathem, George    0 /
Heron, George    0.5 /
Horrocks, T.H.    0.5 /
Beamish, Arthur    0 /
Lodge, T.    1 /
Bowles, Rhoda    1647 (62) 0 /
Goh, Lai    1926 (173) 1 /
Brown, Frederick    2239 (41) 0 /
Greenhalgh, William    2051 (140) 1 /
Parkinson, Ms. F.    1 /
Woodhouse-Lane, W.    0 /
Parkes, A.    0 /
Jolly, L.J.    1 /
Read, Miss    0 /
Green, Eldridge    1 /
Cuzner, F.    0 /
Russell, J. (2)    1 /
Joughin, Hannah    1587 (80) 0 /
Airey, W.    1 /
Knofe, O.    1 /
Lough, L.    0 /
Knofe, Mrs.    0 /
Bamford, H.    1 /
Renton, Miss    0 /
Bethel, W.    1 /
Tatham, Miss    0 /
Geake, G.    1 /
Owen, W.H.    0 /
Nicholson, H. (2)    1 /
Bullock, Miss    0 /
Hughes, J.    1 /
Nelson-Harness    0 /
Bottomley, G.    1 /
Nelson-Harness, Mrs.    1 /
Dodds, W.    0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Mrs. Bowles' Team - Cambridge University Match
Place: Cambridge
Start date: 19 Nov. 1904
End date: 19 Nov. 1904
The British Chess Magazine of Dec. 1904 (pp.476-477) gives only the result of the top two boards.
   Hilbert, Napier, page 291
   [BCM], vol. 24, no. 12, Dec. 1904, page 476
   [Wom], vol. 13, Jan. 1905, page 101

Tournament information updated: 19 Aug. 2022