Leeds 1879

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Brown, T. (3)    2074 (131) 1 /
Gregson, Robert    2039 (105) 1 /
Heap, Henry    2045 (97) 2 /
Bilborough, Alfred    1965 (77) 0 /
Mitchell, Edward    1877 (91) 0 /
Stokoe, Thomas    2092 (70) 2 /
Fish, James    2188 (76) 2 /
Bennett, Charles    1933 (72) 0 /
Wood, M. Bateson    1973 (80) 0.5 /
Hussey, Edward    1982 (77) 1.5 /
Jones, D.    1844 (197) 0.5 /
White, James    2057 (83) 0.5 /
Heap, James    1900 (107) 1.5 /
Meredith, Samuel    2024 (70) 0.5 /
Zöllner, Louis    2102 (132) 2 /
Cunningham, James    1766 (114) 0 /
Wilson, Thomas    1919 (75) 1 /
Fawcett, Joseph    1924 (104) 1 /
Greenleaves, J.    1707 (134) 1 /
Pickard, Thomas    1624 (158) 1 /
Higginbotham, T.    1972 (104) 2 /
Carter, William    1616 (110) 0 /
Cooper, R.O.    1773 (96) 1 /
Craven, John    1827 (82) 1 /
Brevig, Christen    2055 (89) 1 /
Millard, Henry    1816 (133) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manchester Athenaeum - Leeds Club Match
Place: Leeds
Start date: 29 Mar. 1879
End date: 29 Mar. 1879
I have guessed at the identity of some of the players, who are only listed by surname in the report in the Leeds Mercury, with corroboration from Steve Mann's web page for the event. Steve Mann, for example, identifies 'Breng' as a typographical mangling of 'Brevig'.
   [LeM], vol. 116, no. 12783, 31 Mar. 1879, page 3
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1879: Leeds v Manchester Athenaeum]

Tournament information updated: 17 Dec. 2017