Birmingham 1865

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Earnshaw, Samuel    2175 (72) 1 /
Sutton, A.K.    1848 (179) 0 /
Haselden, H.    1898 (73) 4 /
Balden    1780 (102) 3 /
Hill, F.S.    2007 (72) 4 /
Halford, John    1996 (73) 0 /
Warren, E.P.    1870 (73) 4.5 /
Buncher, W.    1524 (132) 0.5 /
Best, Thomas    2014 (66) 4.5 /
Hill, H.S.    1917 (81) 2.5 /
Fry, H.A.    1911 (73) 4 /
Stone, J.B.    1721 (93) 1 /
Kempson, S.G.    1937 (67) 4 /
Smith, J. Lilly    1912 (77) 2 /
Earnshaw, Samuel    2175 (72) 4.5 /
Haselden, H.    1898 (73) 1.5 /
Hill, F.S.    2007 (72) 4.5 /
Warren, E.P.    1870 (73) 2.5 /
Best, Thomas    2014 (66) 4 /
Fry, H.A.    1911 (73) 3 /
Lloyd (3)    1974 (70) 4 /
Kempson, S.G.    1937 (67) 3 /
Earnshaw, Samuel    2175 (72) 4 /
Hill, F.S.    2007 (72) 0 /
Best, Thomas    2014 (66) 4 /
Lloyd (3)    1974 (70) 2 /
Earnshaw, Samuel    2175 (72) 2 /
Best, Thomas    2014 (66) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Birmingham Club Tournament
Place: Birmingham
Start date: 6 Apr. 1865
End date: Dec. 1865
This was a 16-player knock-out tournament with 4 wins needed to win each pairing, but in the first round Saunders conceded to Lloyd without playing a game and Sutton conceded to Earnshaw after one loss, and in the final, Best conceded when the score was +2-0=2 for Earnshaw. I am guessing that it was A.K. Sutton at this event, but it might have been G.F. Sutton.
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 1866, page 63
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1423, 31 Dec. 1865, page 14

Tournament information updated: 5 Jan. 2017