Paris 1850 (5)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
des Guis    2541 (54) 1 /
Journoud, Paul    2322 (56) 0 /
Colin (1)    2158 (163) 1 /
Stern, Dmitry    2265 (58) 0 /
Budzyński, Wincenty    2375 (62) 0 /
Seguin, C.A.    2529 (63) 1 /
Campbell, John    2103 (75) 0 /
Feytaud    1909 (132) 1 /
Escoffier    1 /
Sainte-Marie    0 /
Geslin    1 /
Chabaud    0 /
Saint-Léon, Gabriel    0 /
Coquelin    1929 (106) 1 /
Maurel    1888 (120) 1 /
Desvignes, F.C.    1537 (133) 0 /
Mestre, Joseph    2049 (100) 1 /
Garcin (1)    2055 (75) 0 /
Pfeiffer (1)    2241 (81) 1 /
Warnet    2209 (62) 0 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2279 (54) 0 /
Saint-Léon, Martin    2188 (57) 1 /
Respinger    2168 (70) 1 /
de Musset, Alfred    0 /
Worms de Romilly, Félix    2028 (136) 1 /
de Samson    0 /
Valson    2008 (83) 0 /
Viaudet    1971 (165) 1 /
Vielle, Cl.    1619 (106) 1 /
Borely    2091 (85) 0 /
Seguin, C.A.    2529 (63) 1 /
Worms de Romilly, Félix    2028 (136) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 3rd Café de la Régence 'Grand Combat'
Place: Paris
Start date: 2 Feb. 1850
End date: 2 Feb. 1850
The report in La Régence allows us to deduce first round results and makes it very likely that Seguin in the end beat Romilly (which I assume here). Results of intermediate rounds are not clear. Details of 11 games are not accounted for. Journoud and Des Guis each picked the members of their respective teams, who were paired against each other. Any player losing a game was knocked out. The match was to be won by the team that knocked out all of the opposing team players.
   Cornil, Le Café de la Régence, page 63
   [Reg], vol. 2, no. 3, Mar. 1850, page 75