Paris 1851 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Preti, Jean-Louis    2250 (58) 1 /
Benoît-Crampel    2316 (87) 0 /
Odoard    2147 (79) 1.5 /
Delannoy, Alphonse    2262 (71) 0.5 /
des Guis    2490 (60) 1 /
Cohen, Henry    2033 (91) 0 /
  des Guis gave odds of two moves
Versin    2214 (92) 1 /
Warnet    2186 (74) 0 /
Journoud, Paul    2363 (55) 1 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2250 (58) 0 /
des Guis    2490 (60) 1 /
Odoard    2147 (79) 0 /
Stern, Dmitry    2254 (67) 1 /
Lenoble    2022 (123) 0 /
Seguin, C.A.    2498 (64) 1 /
Guibert, A.M.    2315 (117) 0 /
Reinach, H.J.    1983 (104) 1 /
Wertheimer, Fritz    0 /
Papin    2067 (146) 1 /
Coquelin    1919 (111) 0 /
Dézéde    1 /
Desherbier    0 /
Valson    2020 (88) 1 /
de Mondeville    0 /
Borely    2098 (89) 1 /
Reinach, H.J.    1983 (104) 0 /
Valson    2020 (88) 1 /
Dézéde    0 /
Versin    2214 (92) 0 /
Papin    2067 (146) 1 /
  Versin gave odds of pawn and move
Lyster    1805 (118) 1 /
Lafitte, A.    1763 (169) 0 /
Borely    2098 (89) 1 /
d'Alincourt, Ch.    1840 (129) 0 /
Neron    1921 (150) 1 /
Toutain    1890 (110) 0 /
Jeandel    1 /
Aclocque, Marcel    0 /
  Jeandel gave odds of pawn and move
Neron    1921 (150) 1 /
Lyster    1805 (118) 0 /
Vielle, Cl.    1610 (110) 1 /
Goujon    0 /
Armagnac    1 /
Leduc    0 /
Lourmand    1 /
Huret, Leopold    0 /
Lourmand    1 /
Guide    0 /
Armagnac    1 /
Ouizille    0 /
Potier    1573 (147) 1 /
Deguingamp    0 /
Chevet    1 /
Cabanellas    0 /
Borely    2098 (89) 1 /
Neron    1921 (150) 0 /
  Borely gave odds of pawn and move
des Guis    2490 (60) 1 /
Armagnac    0 /
  des Guis gave odds of a knight
Journoud, Paul    2363 (55) 1 /
Papin    2067 (146) 0 /
  Journoud, Paul gave odds of pawn and move
Vielle, Cl.    1610 (110) 1 /
Lourmand    0 /
  Vielle, Cl. gave odds of pawn and move
Seguin, C.A.    2498 (64) 1 /
Chevet    0 /
  Seguin, C.A. gave odds of a rook
Stern, Dmitry    2254 (67) 1 /
Potier    1573 (147) 0 /
  Stern, Dmitry gave odds of a knight
Valson    2020 (88) 1 /
Jeandel    0 /
Borely    2098 (89) 1 /
Vielle, Cl.    1610 (110) 0 /
  Borely gave odds of pawn and move
Journoud, Paul    2363 (55) 1 /
Stern, Dmitry    2254 (67) 0 /
des Guis    2490 (60) 0 /
Valson    2020 (88) 1 /
  des Guis gave odds of pawn and move
Seguin, C.A.    2498 (64) 1 /
Journoud, Paul    2363 (55) 0 /
Valson    2020 (88) 1 /
Borely    2098 (89) 0 /
Seguin, C.A.    2498 (64) 1 /
Valson    2020 (88) 0 /
  Seguin, C.A. gave odds of pawn and move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 2nd Grand Tournoi au Cercle des Échecs
Place: Paris
Start date: 9 Feb. 1851
End date: 17 Feb. 1851
Handicap tournament with 5 classes, but 1st class was split: Preti, Cohen, Versin, Warnet and Marguerite were to play in 1st class but to receive odds of 2 moves from other members of 1st class, according to the description of the tournament rules. However, in the list of results, in the 1st round it is not indicated that Preti received these odds from Crampel, though it is indicated that Cohen received them from des Guis. Similarly, Borely was class 2 but in the 1st round it is not indicated that he gave odds to d'Alincourt, who was class 3, though it is indicated that Jeandel (class 2) gave pawn and move to Acloque (class 3). In all other cases, the odds indicated are consistent with the players' classes. Another anomaly, though, is that Cabanellas appears as absent in the 1st class section but played in the 5th class section? One game per pairing, but draws were to be replayed. Only one draw is indicated to have occurred. The reports in La Régence say the tournament took place on 9 and 16 Feb. 1851, but in Séguin's report, he says the final game between himself and Valson took place the next day. This is confirmed by the announcement of the celebratory dinner to take place 17 Feb. 1851 (La Régence, 1851, p.86).
   [Reg], vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1851, page 73, 82