Paris 1849 (5)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Saborio    2033 (138) 1 /
Lemaître, Jacques    0 /
Christoph    2161 (162) 1 /
Guibert, A.M.    2309 (121) 0 /
Warnet    2205 (62) 1 /
Marguerite    0 /
de Vaucoret    2162 (105) 1 /
Laroche, Pierre    2340 (104) 2 /
Preti, Jean-Louis    2356 (55) 1 /
Devinck, François    2134 (131) 0 /
Garcin (1)    2088 (70) 0 /
Benoît-Crampel    2346 (74) 1 /
des Guis    2537 (56) 1 /
Pujol (1)    0 /
Seguin, C.A.    2570 (64) 1 /
Delannoy, Alphonse    2235 (77) 0 /
Christoph    2161 (162) 0 /
Benoît-Crampel    2346 (74) 1 /
Seguin, C.A.    2570 (64) 1 /
Benoît-Crampel    2346 (74) 0 /
des Guis    2537 (56) 0 /
Laroche, Pierre    2340 (104) 1 /
Saborio    2033 (138) 0 /
Laroche, Pierre    2340 (104) 1 /
Warnet    2205 (62) 1 /
Laroche, Pierre    2340 (104) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 1st Café de la Régence - Cercle de Paris match
Place: Paris
Start date: 15 Apr. 1849
End date: 16 Apr. 1849
Players of the Café were paired against players of the Cercle as available. Any player losing a game was knocked out. The match was won by the team that knocked out all of the opposing team players. After the first round, only Laroche and Crampel of the Cercle team remained. Crampel knocked out 2 Café players before being knocked out himself. Laroche knocked out 3 before being knocked out. The undefeated Café players were Preti, who played only one game, Seguin and Warnet who played two each.
   Cornil, Le Café de la Régence, page 49
   [CPC], vol. 10, no. 6, June 1849, page 188
   [CPC], vol. 10, no. 9, Sep. 1849, page 257
   [ILN], vol. 14, no. 375, 9 June 1849, page 400
   [Reg], vol. 1, no. 5, May 1849, page 129