Burnley 1859

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Wilkins (1)    0 /
Armistead, John    1785 (135) 3 /
Mallam, B.    1680 (176) 1 /
Stansfeld, George    1810 (140) 2 /
Sutcliffe, Joshua    1769 (138) 0.5 /
Birkbeck, John    1935 (106) 2.5 /
Uttley, H.    1 /
Robinson, Henry    2 /
Wilson, J. (1)    2.5 /
Haslewood, D.    0.5 /
Bendelack, J.H.    0 /
Burrow, John    2070 (115) 3 /
Butler, J. (1)    1623 (169) 1 /
Brown, Allan    1748 (126) 2 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Burnley - Settle Club Match
Place: Burnley
Start date: 10 June 1859
End date: 10 June 1859
The Illustrated London News of 2 Jul. 1859 (p.19) has 'Joshua Sutcliffe', 'H. Tottley', 'J.H. Pendeback', 'John Britsberly' and 'Allam Brown' in this event, where the Manchester Times of 18 Jun. 1859 (p.8) has 'Joseph Sutcliffe', 'H. Uttley', 'J.H. Bendelack', 'John Birbeck' and 'Allan Brown'. Steve Mann identifies the fourth of these as 'John Birkbeck'.
   [FLIN], 23 July 1859
   [ILN], vol. 35, no. 981, 2 July 1859, page 19
   [MaWT], no. 79, 18 June 1859, page 8
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1859: Burnley v Settle Match]

Tournament information updated: 23 Aug. 2019