London, England 1866 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Chinnery, Walter    2152 (73) 2 /
Lyttelton, George    1813 (68) 0 /
  Chinnery, Walter gave odds of the move
Mongredien, Augustus (2)    2063 (69) 2 /
Trelawny, John    1917 (99) 1 /
  Trelawny, John gave odds of the move
Minchin, James    2310 (67) 2 /
Burne, E.    0 /
  Minchin, James gave odds of pawn and move
Mocatta, Abraham    2302 (79) 2.5 /
Mann, H.    1681 (164) 0.5 /
  Mocatta, Abraham gave odds of the move
Green, S.J.    2113 (70) 2.5 /
Barber, George    1706 (164) 0.5 /
  Green, S.J. gave odds of the move
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2657 (36) 3 /
de Vere, Cecil    2613 (43) 1 /
MacDonnell, George    2506 (49) 2 /
Thorold, Edmund    2407 (52) 0 /
  MacDonnell, George gave odds of the move
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2657 (36) 2 /
MacDonnell, George    2506 (49) 0 /
Mocatta, Abraham    2302 (79) 3 /
Chinnery, Walter    2152 (73) 1 /
Green, S.J.    2113 (70) 2 /
Minchin, James    2310 (67) 0 /
  Minchin, James gave odds of the move
Mongredien, Augustus (2)    2063 (69) 2 /
Green, Valentine    2238 (59) 1 /
  Green, Valentine gave odds of pawn and move
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2657 (36) 2.5 /
Mocatta, Abraham    2302 (79) 0.5 /
  Steinitz, Wilhelm gave odds of pawn and move
Green, S.J.    2113 (70) 3 /
Mongredien, Augustus (2)    2063 (69) 2 /
  Green, S.J. gave odds of the move
Mocatta, Abraham    2302 (79) 2 /
Mongredien, Augustus (2)    2063 (69) 0 /
  Mocatta, Abraham gave odds of pawn and move
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2657 (36) 2 /
Green, S.J.    2113 (70) 0 /
  Steinitz, Wilhelm gave odds of pawn and two moves

Event table notes

Event data
Name: British Chess Association Handicap Tournament
Place: London, England
Start date: 20 June 1866
End date: Sep. 1866
This was a 16-player handicap knock-out tournament, though Valentine Green beat William Sutton Gover in round 1 by default, as Gover could not appear. Each pairing was won by the first player to win 2 games. Feenstra Kuiper, Gaige, and Di Felice give similar results, with 2-0 scores for all pairings apart from Mongredien-Trelawney, Mocatta-Mann and Steinitz-de Vere, each of which is given as 2-1. Di Felice (but not Gaige or Feenstra Kuiper) also gives the final between Steinitz and S.J. Green as +2-0=1. The primary sources differ from the above with respect to several of the matches. In particular, Löwenthal (Chess Player's Magazine, July 1866, p.201; Era 1 July 1866, p.7) mentions a draw between Mocatta and Mann, and in the Chess Player's Magazine of July 1866 (p.202) he gives a score of +2-0=1 for Mocatta-Mann, which would end the match, so presumably Mocatta did not lose a game to Mann. That there was a draw between S.J. Green and Barber is also indicated in the Chess Player's Magazine of July 1866 (p.202). A draw between Steinitz and de Vere is mentioned in the Era of 1 July 1866 (p.7) and the Chess Player's Magazine of July 1866 (pp.201,202). The final result of +2-0=2 for that pairing (no loss for Steinitz) is given in the Era of 22 July 1866 (p.14) and the Chess Player's Magazine of Aug. 1866 (pp.244-251). A draw between Mocatta and Chinnery is mentioned in the Era of 15 July 1866 (p.5) and the final result of this pairing is given as +2-0=2 for Mocatta in the Era of 22 July 1866 (p.14) and one of the drawn games is given in the Chess Player's Magazine of May 1867 (pp.147-148). The Era of 22 July 1866 (p.14) gives the score so far of Mongredien-V. Green as +1-1, so presumably it finished +2-1 for Mongredien. The Era of 2 Sep. 1866 (p.5) says 'Mr. Steinitz won two games of Mr. Mocatta, giving the odds of Pawn and move, and the game was drawn.' I take this to mean that there was one draw, so +2-0=1 for Steinitz. This is confirmed by Harding, who gives all three games. The drawn game is given in the Chess Player's Magazine of Nov. 1866 (pp.341-343). The Era of 2 Sep. 1866 (p.5) gives the result of S.J. Green-Mongredien as +2-1=2 for Green. Finally, the Dec. 1866 issue of the Chess Player's Magazine (pp.362-364) gives two wins by Steinitz over S.J. Green, with no indication of a draw (contra Di Felice). Harding also shows this as +2-0=0. Feenstra Kuiper, Gaige and Di Felice all give the end date as 18 July 1866, but the 2 Sep. 1866 issue of the Era (p.5) says it hadn't yet finished, and the final results are only given in the 16 Sep. 1866 issue (p.5), so I conclude that it finished in Sep. 1866. Harding shows that Steinitz's later games had to wait until his match with Anderssen was over.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1747-1900, page 43
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachturniere, page 20, 202
   Gaige, Chess Tournament Crosstables I, page 4
   Harding, Steinitz in London, page 120, 348
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 141
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 7, July 1866, page 200
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 8, Aug. 1866, page 232
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 8, Aug. 1866, page 244
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 1866, page 307
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 11, Nov. 1866, page 339
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1866, page 362
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1867, page 17
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 5, May 1867, page 147
   [CPM], vol. 3, no. 6, June 1867, page 178
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1447, 17 June 1866, page 5
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1448, 24 June 1866, page 7
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1449, 1 July 1866, page 7
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1450, 8 July 1866, page 7
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1451, 15 July 1866, page 5
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1452, 22 July 1866, page 14
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1453, 29 July 1866, page 5
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1454, 5 Aug. 1866, page 6
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1458, 2 Sep. 1866, page 5
   [Era], vol. 29, no. 1460, 16 Sep. 1866, page 5
   [MaT], 1 Sep. 1866
   [Sis], vol. 10, 1866, page 345
   Sericano, C.  [London Handicap 1866]

Tournament information updated: 17 Apr. 2024