Halifax 1895

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Guy, Thomas    1880 (113) 1 /
Allison, J.W.    0 /
Wright, Frederick    2073 (87) 1 /
Woollard, Joseph    2037 (76) 0 /
Croft, C.    1923 (139) 1 /
White, James    1899 (118) 0 /
Elson, Franklin    1998 (156) 1 /
Waight, Henry    1757 (120) 0 /
Ward, Seth (1)    1971 (105) 1 /
Brown, Isaac    1786 (140) 0 /
Foster, Frederick    2032 (97) 1 /
Allison, J.B.    0 /
Hall, John    1973 (80) 1 /
Howell, Frederick    1572 (165) 0 /
Ward, Seth (1)    1971 (105) 0.5 /
Elson, Franklin    1998 (156) 0.5 /
Common, Arthur    1968 (126) 1 /
Croft, C.    1923 (139) 0 /
Hall, John    1973 (80) 0.5 /
Foster, Frederick    2032 (97) 0.5 /
Wright, Frederick    2073 (87) 1 /
Guy, Thomas    1880 (113) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 10th Yorkshire County Chess Club Meeting - Class A
Place: Halifax
Start date: 19 Jan. 1895
End date: 27 Jan. 1895
Only partial results available. This was to be a 16-player knock-out tournament, the first two rounds to be held on the day of the event and later rounds afterwards. G.E. Ward defaulted in the first round to A.W. Common. In round two, the game between T.A. Guy and F.H. Wright was adjudicated, but Steve Mann's website does not give the result of this adjudication, nor does he have results of subsequent rounds. The result of the adjudication is given in the 28 Jan. 1895 Leeds Mercury (p.3). I am presuming that it is the elder Seth Ward who played at this event, though it might have been the younger.
   [LeM], 28 Jan. 1895, page 3
   [LMWS], 19 Jan. 1895
   [LMWS], 26 Jan. 1895, page 7
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1895: YCCC 10th Annual Tournament]

Tournament information updated: 17 Apr. 2024