London, England 1875 (15)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Peyer, V.C.    2041 (59) 1 /
Cole, A.R.    0 /
  Peyer, V.C. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Maas, Arthur    2396 (57) 1 /
Israel, M. (1)    2122 (145) 0 /
  Maas, Arthur gave odds of pawn and two moves
Kunwald, Edward    1868 (77) 1 /
Jennings, William    1636 (89) 0 /
  Kunwald, Edward gave odds of pawn and move
Hill, James    2015 (152) 1 /
Andrade, H.    1749 (120) 0 /
  Hill, James gave odds of pawn and move
Rippin, G.H.    2043 (85) 1 /
Andrade, N.    0 /
  Rippin, G.H. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Block, Theodore    1881 (103) 0 /
Gastineau, Henry    1678 (104) 1 /
  Block, Theodore gave odds of the move
Godfrey    1763 (99) 0 /
Gicquel    1661 (116) 1 /
  Godfrey gave odds of pawn and move
Lowson, H.    1863 (87) 1 /
Atkinson, F.    1859 (104) 0 /
Mainland, J. Foster    1991 (100) 1 /
Dyer, W.J.    0 /
  Mainland, J. Foster gave odds of pawn and two moves
Ellerton    1 /
Rodgerson, E.H.    1998 (109) 0 /
  Ellerton gave odds of the move
Busse    1 /
Holeman, A.    1668 (82) 0 /
Taylor, J. Paul    1681 (131) 1 /
Leon (2)    0 /
Batt, E.    1838 (107) 0 /
Herbage    1607 (120) 1 /
  Batt, E. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Stevens, Samuel    2133 (61) 1 /
Gümpel, Charles    1522 (110) 0 /
  Stevens, Samuel gave odds of pawn and two moves
Whomes    2199 (78) 1 /
Sonstadt    1855 (124) 0 /
  Whomes gave odds of pawn and move
Brodribb    0 /
Cutler (1)    1620 (95) 1 /
  Brodribb gave odds of pawn and move
Frühling, G.C.    1665 (92) 0 /
Herzfeld, A.G.    1805 (125) 1 /
  Frühling, G.C. gave odds of pawn and move
Lindsay, W.A.    2046 (65) 0 /
Smith, Gordon    1973 (82) 1 /
  Lindsay, W.A. gave odds of the move
Grace (1)    1468 (179) 0 /
Briant    1 /
  Grace (1) gave odds of pawn and move
Hill, H.B.    0 /
Baynes (1)    1620 (133) 1 /
  Hill, H.B. gave odds of pawn and move
Ifould    1731 (135) 0 /
Mayerhofer (1)    1606 (168) 1 /
  Ifould gave odds of pawn and move
Rabbeth, J.E.    1919 (60) 1 /
Day (1)    1601 (162) 0 /
Walker, F.S.    2003 (151) 0 /
Edwards, E.T.    1 /
  Walker, F.S. gave odds of pawn and move
Stevens, Samuel    2133 (61) 1 /
Gastineau, Henry    1678 (104) 0 /
  Stevens, Samuel gave odds of pawn and two moves
Peyer, V.C.    2041 (59) 1 /
Baynes (1)    1620 (133) 0 /
  Peyer, V.C. gave odds of pawn and move
Maas, Arthur    2396 (57) 1 /
Taylor, J. Paul    1681 (131) 0 /
  Maas, Arthur gave odds of pawn and two moves
Mainland, J. Foster    1991 (100) 1 /
Mayerhofer (1)    1606 (168) 0 /
  Mainland, J. Foster gave odds of a knight
Kunwald, Edward    1868 (77) 0 /
Rabbeth, J.E.    1919 (60) 1 /
  Kunwald, Edward gave odds of the move
Day (1)    1601 (162) 1 /
Dyer, W.J.    0 /
  Day (1) gave odds of pawn and move
Rippin, G.H.    2043 (85) 0 /
Hill, James    2015 (152) 1 /
  Rippin, G.H. gave odds of pawn and move
Peyer, V.C.    2041 (59) 0 /
Lowson, H.    1863 (87) 1 /
  Peyer, V.C. gave odds of the move
Maas, Arthur    2396 (57) 1 /
Whomes    2199 (78) 0 /
  Maas, Arthur gave odds of pawn and move
Mainland, J. Foster    1991 (100) 0 /
Rabbeth, J.E.    1919 (60) 1 /
  Mainland, J. Foster gave odds of pawn and move
Ifould    1731 (135) 0 /
Rodgerson, E.H.    1998 (109) 1 /
  Ifould gave odds of the move
Atkinson, F.    1859 (104) 1 /
Day (1)    1601 (162) 0 /
Maas, Arthur    2396 (57) 1 /
Hill, James    2015 (152) 0 /
  Maas, Arthur gave odds of pawn and move
Rabbeth, J.E.    1919 (60) 1 /
Lowson, H.    1863 (87) 0 /
Batt, E.    1838 (107) 1 /
Block, Theodore    1881 (103) 0 /
  Batt, E. gave odds of pawn and move
Atkinson, F.    1859 (104) 1 /
Grace (1)    1468 (179) 0 /
  Atkinson, F. gave odds of pawn and move
Maas, Arthur    2396 (57) 1 /
Cutler (1)    1620 (95) 0 /
  Maas, Arthur gave odds of a knight
Rabbeth, J.E.    1919 (60) 0 /
Cutler (1)    1620 (95) 1 /
  Rabbeth, J.E. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Atkinson, F.    1859 (104) 0 /
Rodgerson, E.H.    1998 (109) 1 /
  Atkinson, F. gave odds of pawn and move
Batt, E.    1838 (107) 0 /
Rodgerson, E.H.    1998 (109) 1 /
  Batt, E. gave odds of pawn and move
Atkinson, F.    1859 (104) 1 /
Batt, E.    1838 (107) 0 /
  Batt, E. gave odds of the move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London Club Junior Handicap
Place: London, England
Start date: Nov. 1874
End date: May 1875
This was a 48-player knockout tournament, in which the 24 losers in the first round went on to compete for fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, in a separate knockout sequence, called Section B. It is likely that 2 wins were required to win a round, as in the senior handicap tournament of the City of London Club running at the same time, but no actual scores are given for any pairing (except that it is mentioned that Maas lost a few games to some of his opponents before ultimately winning the tournament). I record all results as 1-0 to be conservative. One of the first round results cannot be used, the win by Osborn over Murton, because in the original listing of pairings for the first round, Murton's opponent was listed as 'Clark', in the fourth class, but he seems to have been replaced by Osborn, whose class is not known. There is another discrepancy between the original first round pairing list and later results, where Taylor's opponent was first listed as 'Peron', in the third class, and later appears as 'Leon'. I will guess here that the original list simply had the name written incorrectly and that Leon was in fact in the third class (but this could be wrong). Second round results are not given, and many could not be deduced, either because the pairings of players aren't known or because the result is not known. In Section A, 5 of the 12 results have been determined (Stevens - Gastineau, Peyer - Baynes, Maas - Taylor, Mainland - Mayerhofer, and Rabbeth - Kunwald), and in Section B, only 1 of the 12 results has been determined (Day - Dyer). In round 3, only four of the 6 results have been determined in Section A (Hill - Rippin, Lowson - Peyer, Maas - Whomes, and Rabbeth - Mainland), and only two of the 6 Section B results have been determined (Rodgerson - Ifould, and Atkinson - Day). In round 4, two out of three results in each section can be deduced. Then the final three in each section played off, and we are only given the order of prize-winners, so I deduce that in Section A, Maas beat Cutler and Cutler beat Rabbeth (Rabbeth forfeited to Maas - they did not play) and in Section B, I deduce that Rodgerson beat Atkinson and Batt, and Atkinson beat Batt.
   [CLCM], vol. 1, no. 11, Dec. 1874, page 269, 272
   [CLCM], vol. 1, no. 12, Jan. 1875, page 296
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 1, Feb. 1875, page 7
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 2, Mar. 1875, page 39
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 3, Apr. 1875, page 82
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 5, June 1875, page 129

Tournament page created: 25 Dec. 2021