Liverpool 1856

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Duval, Charles    1869 (152) 1 /
Sparke, Morton    1881 (106) 0 /
Kipping, James    2341 (47) 2 /
Soul, John    2209 (80) 0 /
Cluley, William    1929 (175) 1 /
Sinclair, John    2051 (117) 1 /
Cohen, Sigismund    2081 (73) 2 /
Jones (3)    1817 (123) 0 /
Pindar, Eduard    2385 (52) 3.5 /
Smith, G. (1)    2056 (89) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Manchester - Liverpool Club Match
Place: Liverpool
Start date: 20 Feb. 1856
End date: 20 Feb. 1856
The Manchester Weekly Examiner and Times of 23 Feb. 1856 (p.5) indicates a draw between Pindar and Smith for a score of +3-0=1 between them. Edgar (p.36) specifically indicates that there were no draws in this match. The Chess Player's Chronicle of 1856 (p.120), the Era of 2 Mar. 1856 (p.13) and the Illustrated London News of 1 Mar. 1856 (p.239) all give detailed scores but with no indication of any draws. Hindle (p.11) also says that the result of the Pindar-Smith pairing was 3-0.
   Edgar, Liverpool Chess Club, page 36
   Hindle, Mystery of Edward Pindar, page 11
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 95
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1856, page 120
   [Era], vol. 18, no. 910, 2 Mar. 1856, page 13
   [ILN], vol. 28, no. 787, 1 Mar. 1856, page 239
   [LiM], vol. 46, no. 2790, 22 Feb. 1856, page 8
   [MWET], no. 727, 23 Feb. 1856, page 5
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Collected results, 1836-1863]

Tournament information updated: 27 Aug. 2014