Kipping, James


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1853  56  2350 (64) 7
1854  55  2344 (56) 7
1855  55  2346 (46) 80
1856  62  2336 (47) 9
1857  67  2324 (44) 35
1858  78  2307 (50) 6
1859  86  2296 (51) 7
1860  94  2282 (51) 17
1861  102  2282 (56) 9
1862  106  2267 (64) 3
1863  118  2237 (72) 3
1864  138  2209 (78) 0
1865  151  2180 (83) 2
1866  165  2177 (89) 0
1867  160  2173 (95) 0
1868  170  2170 (99) 0
1869  169  2166 (102) 0
1870  173  2162 (105) 0
1871  176  2159 (107) 0
1872  182  2155 (108) 0
1873  189  2152 (109) 0
1874  194  2148 (109) 0
1875  209  2144 (109) 0
1876  204  2141 (108) 0
1877  203  2137 (107) 0
1878  206  2134 (106) 0
1879  209  2130 (103) 0
1880  231  2126 (100) 0
1881  260  2123 (96) 1
1882  277  2113 (94) 0
1883  320  2103 (91) 4
1884  374  2086 (94) 0
1885  414  2069 (96) 1
1886  433  2048 (100) 2

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Kipping, James Stanley  
Born: 18 Nov. 1822
Died: 20 Apr. 1899
Name given as 'Kepping' in the Illustrated London News of 14 May 1853 (p.363) and the Chess Player's Chronicle of Jun. 1853 (p.180), and 'Kiepping' in the Illustrated London News of 22 Oct. 1853 (p.343). Gaige gives full name as 'James Stanley Kipping'. Staunton gives 'John Kipping' in the Illustrated London News of 24 Nov. 1855 (p.626) but 'James Kipping' in the issue of 31 Oct. 1857 (p.446). My guess is that 'John' was just an error. Gaige gives his date of death as 20 Apr. 1899; Sergeant gives 26 Apr. 1899.
   Burt, Bristol Chess Club, page 6
   Chess Association, Manchester 1857 Report, page 1, 7, 39, 40
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 962
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 213
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 18, 28, 45, 576
   Hindle, Mystery of Edward Pindar, page 13
   Löwenthal and Medley, Chess Congress of 1862, page xl
   Lange and Falkbeer, Paul Morphy Sketch, page 147
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 236
   Zavatarelli, Ignatz Kolisch, page 103
   [BLL], 23 Feb. 1862, page 1
   [CPC], vol. 7, no. 9, Sep. 1846, page 261
   [CPC], vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 1848, page 116
   [CPC], vol. 10, no. 9, Sep. 1849, page 268
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 6, June 1853, page 180
   [CPC], vol. 3, no. 30, June 1861, page 165
   [Era], vol. 19, no. 983, 26 July 1857, page 12
   [ILN], vol. 27, no. 752, 14 July 1855, page 43
   [ILN], vol. 27, no. 771, 24 Nov. 1855, page 626
   [ILN], vol. 30, no. 859, 16 May 1857, page 472
   [ILN], vol. 31, no. 885, 31 Oct. 1857, page 446
   [SZ], vol. 13, no. 9, Sep. 1858, page 372
   Burt, John.  [The Bristol Chess Club]
   Sarah.  [The Birmingham Meeting]
   Sarah.  [Paul Morphy's Contenders]
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Early World Rankings], page 7
   Winter, Edward.  [Royal Walkabouts]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Williams, E. (1) - Kipping, J.S. 1853         (c)     4   -   3
Kipping, J.S. - Cohen, S. 1854         (f)     4.5   -   1.5
Owen, J. - Kipping, J.S. 1855 (1)         (f)     11   -   6
Kipping, J.S. - Ralli, D. 1855         (f)     5   -   2
Kipping, J.S. - Cohen, S. 1855         (f)     5   -   2      Kipping, J.S. gave odds of pawn and move
Owen, J. - Kipping, J.S. 1855 (2)         (f)     4.5   -   11.5
Owen, J. - Kipping, J.S. 1855 (3)         (f)     11   -   7
Owen, J. - Kipping, J.S. 1855 (4)         (f)     3   -   6
Pindar, E.D. - Kipping, J.S. 1856         (f)     4.5   -   2.5
Kipping, J.S. - Anderssen (offhand) 1857         (c)     7.5   -   8.5
Pindar, E.D. - Kipping, J.S. 1857 (1)         (f)     11.5   -   4.5
Pindar, E.D. - Kipping, J.S. 1857 (2)         (f)     3   -   0
Kipping, J.S. - Watkinson, J. 1858         (c)     1   -   0
Morphy, P.C. - Kipping, J.S. 1858         (c)     2   -   0
Kolisch, I. - Kipping, J.S. 1860         (s)     2   -   0
Pindar, E.D. - Kipping, J.S. 1860         (f)     11.5   -   3.5
Paulsen, L. - Kipping, J.S. 1861         (c)     1   -   0

Tournament data

Manchester 1854     Manchester Club Tournament    
  Kipping, J.S. - Cohen, S.     1 - 0    
Liverpool 1855     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Soul, J.     1 - 1    
Manchester 1855 (2)     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Soul, J.     1.5 - 2.5    
Liverpool 1856     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Soul, J.     2 - 0    
Birmingham 1858 (2)     2nd British Chess Association Congress - Minor Tournament    
  Kipping, J.S. - Boden, S.S.     0 - 1    
Birmingham and London, England 1858     2nd British Chess Association Congress    
  Kipping, J.S. - Lowenthal, J.J.     0 - 2    
Manchester and Liverpool 1859     Manchester - Liverpool Telegraph Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Soul, J.     0.5 - 0.5    
Huddersfield and Manchester 1859     4th West Yorkshire Chess Association Meeting    
  Kipping, J.S. - Werner, M.G.E.     1 - 0    
  Kipping, J.S. - Birchall, C.     1 - 0    
  Kipping, J.S. - Thorold, E.     1.5 - 2.5    
Manchester 1861 (1)     Manchester Chess Club Tournament - 1st Class    
  Kipping, J.S. - Goulden, J.     3 - 0    
  Kipping, J.S. - Pindar, E.D.     1.5 - 3.5    
Manchester 1862 (1)     Manchester Club Tournament    
  Kipping, J.S. - Wood, M.B.     2 - 0    
Manchester 1862 (2)     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Smith, G. (1)     1 - 0    
Liverpool 1863     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Surtees, J.O.     2 - 1    
Manchester 1865     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Dunnett, T.     0.5 - 1.5    
Manchester 1881 (2)     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Wellington, S.     1 - 0    
Leeds 1883 (1)     Lancashire - Yorkshire County Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Huntsman, E.J.     1 - 0    
Manchester 1883     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Hvistendahl, A.     0 - 1    
Sheffield 1883 (2)     Sheffield and District - Manchester Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Rossell, H.A.     2 - 0    
Liverpool 1885     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Rutherford, W.W.     0.5 - 0.5    
Manchester 1886 (2)     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Kipping, J.S. - Cairns, J.C.     0 - 2    

Player information updated: 2 Oct. 2023