New York 1866

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Mackenzie, George    2585 (41) 4 /
Stanley, Charles    2402 (60) 2 /
Thompson, James (1)    2259 (63) 3 /
Zerega, Augustus    2173 (79) 1 /
Belcher, M.    2 /
Johnston, William    0 /
Warner, James    2266 (83) 1.5 /
Delmar, Eugene    2237 (71) 0.5 /
Mackenzie, George    2585 (41) 3.5 /
Barnett, James    2286 (70) 0.5 /
Thompson, James (1)    2259 (63) 3.5 /
Warner, James    2266 (83) 1.5 /
Mackenzie, George    2585 (41) 3 /
Thompson, James (1)    2259 (63) 0 /
Ward, J.H.    2166 (71) 2 /
Graham, James    0 /
Dill, S.R.    2145 (91) 2 /
de Trobriand, M.R.    0 /
Graves, Jesse    2129 (126) 2 /
Martinez (1)    1939 (169) 1 /
Dill, S.R.    2145 (91) 2 /
Ward, J.H.    2166 (71) 1 /
Graves, Jesse    2129 (126) 2 /
Dill, S.R.    2145 (91) 0 /
Arietta    2 /
Gilbert (1)    1 /
Young (2)    2 /
Schultze, Robert    0 /
Arietta    2 /
Young (2)    1 /
Mackenzie, George    2585 (41) 1 /
Graves, Jesse    2129 (126) 0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of a knight
Mackenzie, George    2585 (41) 1 /
Graves, Jesse    2129 (126) 0 /
  Mackenzie, George gave odds of pawn and two moves

Event table notes

Event data
Name: New York Club Tournament
Place: New York
Start date: 8 Jan. 1866
End date: 24 Feb. 1866
This tournament was organized into 3 classes, each of which played amongst themselves without handicaps, and the winners of the 3 classes were then to compete with appropriate odds for the first prize. The Chess World and the New York Clipper say that there were 18 participants, though the report in the Chess World mentions 19 (no results are given for 'Shultz'). According to van Winsen, there were originally to be 20 players, but T.H. Worrall could not come, so he defaulted to Barnett in the first round. Delmar withdrew after a -1=1 result against Warner. Belcher withdrew after winning against Johnston. Two wins were to be required in each pairing but that was extended to 3 for Mackenzie's and Thompson's encounters in the first class. The winner of the 3rd class was Arietta, who withdrew, leaving Mackenzie to play aginst Graves, the winner of the 2nd class. Mackenzie won both games, giving Knight odds and Pawn and Two Move odds alternately. The Illustrated London News of 10 Feb. 1866 (p.147) gives 'Dr. Burnett' in error. The Chess World of Mar. 1866 (p.27) and the Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin of 2 Feb. 1866 give 'Gerard' against 'Martineau' instead of 'Graves' against 'Martinez'. The Chess World of Mar. 1866 (p.27) and the Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin of 2 Feb. 1866 also give results in the second class of Dill-Ward +2-0=0 and a partial score of Graves-Dill +1-0=0, while van Winsen gives +2-1=0 and +2-0=0, respectively. The Albion of 3 Feb. 1866 gives +1-0=2 for Graves against Dill. Wilkes' Spirit of the Times (13 Jan. 1866) says Belcher and Johnston had scored two draws, but other sources say two wins. The complete result tree is given by van Winsen, though he mistakenly lists Belcher-Johnston in the second class instead of the first.
   van Winsen, Mackenzie, Mason and Co. I, page 11
   [Alb], 13 Jan. 1866
   [Alb], 20 Jan. 1866
   [Alb], 3 Feb. 1866
   [Alb], 3 Mar. 1866
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 3, Mar. 1866, page 93
   [CPM], vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1866, page 120
   [CW], vol. 2, no. 1, Mar. 1866, page 27
   [CW], vol. 2, no. 2, Apr. 1866, page 58
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1427, 28 Jan. 1866, page 4
   [Era], vol. 28, no. 1436, 1 Apr. 1866, page 6
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1356, 10 Feb. 1866, page 147
   [ILN], vol. 48, no. 1362, 24 Mar. 1866, page 299
   [NYC], 13 Jan. 1866
   [NYC], 3 Feb. 1866
   [NYC], 10 Mar. 1866
   [NYTi], 9 Jan. 1866
   [NYTi], 10 Jan. 1866
   [NYTr], 9 Jan. 1866
   [NYTr], 11 Jan. 1866
   [NYTr], 24 Jan. 1866
   [PDEB], 12 Jan. 1866
   [PDEB], 19 Jan. 1866
   [PDEB], 2 Feb. 1866
   [PDEB], 23 Feb. 1866
   [PDEB], 2 Mar. 1866
   [PDEB], 9 Mar. 1866
   [QCH], vol. 5, no. 18, 2017, page 417, 442
   [TFF], 13 Jan. 1866
   [TFF], 3 Feb. 1866
   [TFF], 10 Mar. 1866
   [WSoT], 13 Jan. 1866

Tournament information updated: 6 Mar. 2021