Toronto 1873

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Gordon, John    2048 (83) 0 /
Young, John (1)    2049 (117) 1 /
Northcote, Henry    2154 (84) 1 /
Vercoe, Henry    2013 (136) 0 /
Smith, William    2177 (121) 1 /
Wallace, David    0 /
Ensor, Albert    2347 (69) 1 /
Salter, G.B.    0 /
Russell, J.A.    0 /
Ryall, Isaac    2005 (115) 1 /
Hirschberg, Martin    0 /
Coleman, Timothy    1990 (100) 1 /
Ramsey, Robert    0 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 1 /
Henderson, John    1836 (82) 1 /
Furby, George    0 /
White, John    2142 (74) 1 /
Jones, Frederick    2308 (103) 0 /
Mackay, William F.    2265 (104) 1 /
Hurlburt, Jesse    2111 (82) 0 /
Northcote, Henry    2154 (84) 0 /
Ensor, Albert    2347 (69) 1 /
Ryall, Isaac    2005 (115) 1 /
Young, John (1)    2049 (117) 0 /
White, John    2142 (74) 1 /
Henderson, John    1836 (82) 0 /
Mackay, William F.    2265 (104) 1 /
Coleman, Timothy    1990 (100) 0 /
Smith, William    2177 (121) 1 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 0 /
Salter, G.B.    1 /
Russell, J.A.    0 /
Wallace, David    0 /
Vercoe, Henry    2013 (136) 1 /
Hirschberg, Martin    0 /
Furby, George    1 /
Hurlburt, Jesse    2111 (82) 0 /
Gordon, John    2048 (83) 1 /
Ensor, Albert    2347 (69) 1 /
Smith, William    2177 (121) 0 /
Mackay, William F.    2265 (104) 0 /
White, John    2142 (74) 1 /
Ryall, Isaac    2005 (115) 0 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 1 /
Henderson, John    1836 (82) 0 /
Northcote, Henry    2154 (84) 1 /
Coleman, Timothy    1990 (100) 0.5 /
Young, John (1)    2049 (117) 0.5 /
White, John    2142 (74) 0 /
Ensor, Albert    2347 (69) 1 /
Mackay, William F.    2265 (104) 1 /
Ryall, Isaac    2005 (115) 0 /
Jones, Frederick    2308 (103) 1 /
Smith, William    2177 (121) 0 /
Jones, Frederick    2308 (103) 1 /
Mackay, William F.    2265 (104) 0 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 1 /
Gordon, John    2048 (83) 0 /
Jones, Frederick    2308 (103) 0 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 1 /
White, John    2142 (74) 0 /
Jackson, George    2296 (83) 1 /
Jones, Frederick    2308 (103) 1 /
Wallace, David    0 /
Furby, George    0 /
Vercoe, Henry    2013 (136) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 2nd Canadian Chess Association Congress
Place: Toronto
Start date: 13 May 1873
End date: 16 May 1873
Results from Erik Malmsten, via correspondence from David Cohen. All but the Jones-Wallace and Furby-Vercoe results are in the Toronto Globe (23 May 1873, p.4) and the Canadian Illustrated News (24 May 1873, p.351).
   [CIN], vol. 7, no. 22, 31 May 1873, page 351
   [ILN], vol. 63, no. 1768, 19 July 1873, page 67
   [TG], vol. 30, no. 120, 19 May 1873, page 4
   [TG], vol. 30, no. 124, 23 May 1873, page 4
   Wright, Stephen.  [Early Canadian Championships]

Tournament information updated: 25 Jun. 2019