Jackson, George


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1864  149  2197 (135) 2
1865  134  2207 (131) 0
1866  137  2217 (127) 0
1867  129  2228 (123) 0
1868  119  2238 (118) 0
1869  113  2248 (112) 0
1870  107  2259 (106) 0
1871  103  2269 (99) 0
1872  97  2279 (91) 1
1873  91  2296 (83) 6
1874  91  2298 (80) 6
1875  97  2301 (84) 8

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Jackson, George E.  
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 190
   [CIN], vol. 7, no. 3, 18 Jan. 1873, page 43
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 65, July 1875, page 347
   [DCJ], vol. 8, no. 67, Oct. 1875, page 464
   [ILN], vol. 61, no. 1734, 30 Nov. 1872, page 527
   [ILN], vol. 65, no. 1825, 15 Aug. 1874, page 164
   [MDR], 9 July 1875
   [NYC], 24 Jan. 1863
   [NYC], 7 Nov. 1863
   [NYC], 26 Nov. 1864
   [NYC], 23 Sep. 1865
   [TG], vol. 29, no. 233, 4 Oct. 1872, page 4
   [TG], vol. 30, no. 124, 23 May 1873, page 4
   Cohen, David.  [Canadian Chess: Champions - Closed]
   Cohen, David.  [Canadian Chess: George Jackson]
   Wright, Stephen.  [Early Canadian Championships]

Match data  (f=formal; c=casual; s=soft)

Jackson, G.E. - Henderson, John 1864         (c)     2   -   0

Tournament data

Hamilton, Ontario 1872 (2)     1st Canadian Chess Association Congress    
  Jackson, G.E. - Young, Jo. (1)     0.5 - 0.5    
Toronto and Seaforth 1873     Toronto - Seaforth Telegaph Match    
  Jackson, G.E. - Gordon, J.H.     0.5 - 0.5    
Hamilton, Ontario and Seaforth 1873     Hamilton - Seaforth (Telegraph?) Match    
  Jackson, G.E. - Taylor, W.T.     1 - 0    
Toronto 1873     2nd Canadian Chess Association Congress    
  Jackson, G.E. - Ramsey, Ro.H.     1 - 0    
  Jackson, G.E. - Smith, W.R.     0 - 1    
  Jackson, G.E. - Ryall, I.     1 - 0    
  Jackson, G.E. - Gordon, J.H.     1 - 0    
  Jackson, G.E. - Jones, F.T.     1 - 0    
  Jackson, G.E. - White, John     1 - 0    
Hamilton, Ontario and Seaforth 1874     Hamilton - Seaforth Telegraph Match    
  Jackson, G.E. - Mackay, W.F.     0 - 1    
Montreal 1874     3rd Canadian Chess Association Congress     3.5  /  5
Ottawa 1875     4th Canadian Chess Association Congress     7  /  8

Player information updated: 22 Jul. 2022