Edinburgh 1876

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Balfour, J.    1807 (145) 1.5 /
Berwick, Alexander    1870 (83) 1.5 /
Baxter, John    1696 (125) 0.5 /
Grant, Robert    2101 (108) 2.5 /
Boase, C.M.    1841 (133) 1.5 /
Birch, James    1838 (100) 1.5 /
Bremner, John    2.5 /
Harvey, R.    0.5 /
Cappie, J.    1739 (89) 1.5 /
Ambrose, D.    1696 (125) 1.5 /
Davidson, J. (1)    1 /
Boyd, R.A.    2 /
Davis, F.W.    1773 (136) 2 /
Jago, Alfred    1678 (142) 1 /
Fraser, George    2278 (56) 2 /
Jenkin, John    2296 (53) 0 /
Gloag, J.A. Lake    1844 (93) 1 /
Ross, Alexander    1894 (111) 2 /
Greenhill, James    1837 (89) 0 /
Crum, John    2021 (62) 2 /
Kronheim, J.M.    3 /
Barclay (1)    0 /
Latta, David    1755 (116) 2 /
Taylor, J.M. (1)    1628 (148) 1 /
McArthur, G.    2048 (70) 2.5 /
Murray, Archibald    1927 (51) 0.5 /
Macfie, John    1950 (74) 2 /
Kennedy, N.    1859 (92) 1 /
Matthew, C.    1677 (86) 0 /
Bash, Samuel    1917 (107) 3 /
Meikle, Christopher    2098 (68) 2 /
Spens, Walter    2083 (44) 1 /
Mellis, James    1741 (128) 2 /
Broom, A.    1731 (153) 1 /
Nimmo, John    1979 (110) 1 /
Court, John    2151 (96) 2 /
Omond    1798 (163) 1 /
Tennant, A.A.    1965 (114) 2 /
Russell, Arthur    1938 (111) 2 /
Gilchrist, John    1941 (79) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: East and West of Scotland Match
Place: Edinburgh
Start date: 9 Dec. 1876
End date: 9 Dec. 1876
The copy from microfilm I have of the Toronto Globe is difficult to read and the names of some players may be incorrect. I have guessed at 'Meikle, C.', in particular, based on his appearance at other events, but the name printed would have to be 'Meicle, C.' if it is not something else. 'J.B. Fraser' must mean 'G.B. Fraser' as J.C. Fraser died earlier in 1876.
   [Fld], 16 Dec. 1876
   [LW], 16 Dec. 1876, page 453
   [TG], vol. 33, no. 6, 6 Jan. 1877, page 7

Tournament information updated: 5 Jan. 2023