Glasgow 1875 (3)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Blackburne, Joseph    2622 (49) 1 /
Bird, Henry    2521 (30) 0 /
Wayte, William    2361 (40) 0 /
Allaire, J.E.    2202 (75) 1 /
  Wayte, William gave odds of pawn and move
Ranken, Charles    2261 (42) 1 /
Coker, John    2187 (44) 0 /
  Ranken, Charles gave odds of a pawn for the move
Minchin, James    2313 (37) 1 /
Fisher, Bernard    2320 (43) 0 /
  Minchin, James gave odds of a pawn for the move
Burn, Amos    2544 (39) 1 /
Newham, William    1990 (47) 0 /
  Burn, Amos gave odds of pawn and two moves
MacDonnell, George    2477 (52) 1 /
Berwick, Alexander    1894 (83) 0 /
  MacDonnell, George gave odds of pawn and two moves
Archdall, Hewan    2246 (49) 1 /
Steegman    1421 (142) 0 /
  Archdall, Hewan gave odds of pawn and move
Martin, William    2027 (43) 1 /
Spens, Walter    2087 (44) 0 /
  Martin, William gave odds of a pawn for the move
Blackburne, Joseph    2622 (49) 1 /
Allaire, J.E.    2202 (75) 0 /
  Blackburne, Joseph gave odds of pawn and two moves
Burn, Amos    2544 (39) 1 /
MacDonnell, George    2477 (52) 0 /
Blackburne, Joseph    2622 (49) 1 /
Ranken, Charles    2261 (42) 0 /
  Blackburne, Joseph gave odds of a pawn for the move
Burn, Amos    2544 (39) 1 /
Archdall, Hewan    2246 (49) 0 /
  Burn, Amos gave odds of a pawn for the move

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 6th Counties Chess Association Meeting - Handicap Tournament
Place: Glasgow
Start date: 3 Aug. 1875
End date: 7 Aug. 1875
Blackburne and Burn agreed to split the first two prizes without playing the final. In the second round Ranken and Archdall won against Minchin and Martin, but Forster's account leaves it unclear which way they were paired, so I have not included these results.
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 92, 93
   Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, page 111, 511
   [CLCM], vol. 2, no. 8, Sep. 1875, page 226
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 10, Aug. 1875, page 312

Tournament information updated: 2 Oct. 2022