Sarah's Chess Journal

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         The History and The Culture of Chess

 My Fifteen Seconds of Fame
    May 30, 2005

Commenting on the April 26th Time Magazine article by political commentator, Charles Krauthammer, entitled Did Chess make Him Crazy? concerning the plight of Bobby Fischer, IM Lawrence Day, in his May 14th, 2005 column, published in the Toronto Star, took notice of Krauthammer's inaccurate remarks concerning Paul Morphy:

...after his triumphal 1858-59 tour of Europe, [Morphy] returned to the U.S., abruptly quit the game and is said to have wandered the streets of New Orleans talking to himself.

At the end of Mr. Day's comments, he refers his readers:

A modern website devoted to separating myth from fact regarding Morphy is at

That's my 15 seconds of fame.


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Carlos Repetto Torre
Gioacchino Greco
Henry Thomas Buckle
La Bourdonnais
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Philidor's Opponents
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Rudolf Charousek
William E. Napier
G. H. Mackenzie
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Joseph Blackburne
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Jacob Henry Sarratt
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George Atwood
del Rio, Lolli, Ponziani
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    Sofonisba Anguissola
    Schaccia, Ludus by Vida
    The Black Death
    Da Vinci
by William Jones
    Aristotle's Children

Chess Automatons
The Origins of Chess
Chess History is a Pain!
Girl Chess I
The Forgotten Philidor



Franklin's Morales of Chess Pandolfini's Comandments
Six Chess Vignettes
Fischer's 10 Greatest
My Life as a Chess Criminal Celebrities Playing Chess
Mis/Dis Information
Morphy's Brilliant Moves
What is Chess
Schachdorf Ströbeck

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