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June 11, 2005


A Knight's Tour problem forms a tribute to Paul Morphy

Knight's Tour Problem


Thanks to ckr, also the compiler of the MyMorphy.pgn, for handing me this Knight's Tour tribute to Paul Morphy.

It was fabricated by G. Grundy. At first, we thought it might be James Glover Grundy who gained notoriety at the 5th American Chess Congress, but the poem was published in 1858 and J. G. Grundy was only born in 1855.

St Louis Democrat Dec 11, 1858 was the original source:

"Even before Morphy had reached New York as ground swell had set in for him, and in Missouri the St. Louis Daily Democrat of December 18, 1858 published the following puzzle based on a Knight’s tour:"

David Lawson wrote (p. 227):


It is an eight line tribute to Paul Morphy. The puzzle is to find where to commence and how to arrange the words so as to read the verse. The puzzle beautifully illustrates the moves of the knight in traversing the board, galloping from square to square with a measured tramp, and although apparently without purpose, yet visiting every spot in the field and visiting each square but once.

The solution beginning at QR1 reads as follows:

Hail! Morphy, bloodless victor, hail!

Thou mightier than Napoleon;--

His triumphs were the price of blood,

His wars by many generals won.—

While thou, upon the chequer’d board,

With never-erring certainty,

Alone, unaided, leadest on

Thy troops to glorious victory
                                               ---G. Grundy


Solution to Knight's Tour problem

knight's tour answer



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