Hvistendahl, Anton


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1872  467  1863 (121) 2
1873  463  1879 (120) 0
1874  484  1895 (119) 0
1875  485  1910 (117) 0
1876  450  1926 (115) 0
1877  406  1942 (113) 0
1878  386  1958 (110) 0
1879  372  1974 (107) 0
1880  383  1990 (103) 0
1881  414  2006 (98) 0
1882  401  2022 (93) 0
1883  422  2038 (86) 3
1884  451  2044 (84) 4
1885  465  2037 (90) 1
1886  451  2038 (96) 1

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Hvistendahl, Anton  
Born: 23 Aug. 1836
Died: 1895
   Edgar, Liverpool Chess Club, page 55
   Forster, Amos Burn, page 961
   Winter, A Chess Omnibus, page 229
   Winter, Kings, Commoners and Knaves, page 122
   [BCM], vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1884, page 439
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1883: Yorkshire v Lancashire]
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - Lancastrians H]
   Winter, Edward.  [A Chess Idealist]
   Winter, Edward.  [Royal Walkabouts]

Tournament data

Liverpool 1872 (1)     Liverpool Club Handicap     0  /  2      odds player in knight and pawn class
Leeds 1883 (1)     Lancashire - Yorkshire County Match    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Bilborough, A.     1 - 1    
Manchester 1883     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Kipping, J.S.     1 - 0    
Liverpool 1884 (2)     1st Rutherford Silver Cup Competition    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Imlach, G.     1 - 0    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Parry, J.E.     1 - 0    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Ferguson, G.     0 - 1    
Manchester 1884     Lancashire - Yorkshire County Match    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Hussey, E.B.     0.5 - 0.5    
Liverpool 1885     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Wilson, T.B.     0 - 1    
Manchester 1886 (2)     Manchester - Liverpool Club Match    
  Hvistendahl, A. - Cohen, S.     1 - 0    

Player information updated: 6 Jan. 2014