London, England 1896 (3)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Wayte, William    2205 (87) 0 /
Loman, Rudolf    2358 (39) 1 /
Lawrence, Thomas    2307 (63) 0 /
van Lennep, Norman    2425 (49) 1 /
Jones, Henry (2)    1751 (185) 0.5 /
Gover, F. Field    1959 (103) 0.5 /
Carr, Francis    2131 (98) 1 /
Howell, A.    2088 (98) 0 /
Trenchard, Herbert    2300 (38) 0 /
Hooke, George    2280 (82) 1 /
Mortimer, James    2196 (41) 0 /
Cole, Henry    2297 (48) 1 /
Wagner, H. (2)    1958 (124) 0 /
Ward-Higgs, William    2270 (59) 1 /
Heppell, James    2128 (73) 0.5 /
Ingoldsby, William    1990 (64) 0.5 /
Ballard, William    2278 (81) 1 /
Eckenstein, E.    0 /
Tietjen, Arthur    2154 (72) 1 /
Beaumont, Alexander    0 /
Michael, Maurice    2112 (132) 1 /
Howell, Percy    2183 (88) 0 /
Hunt, Joseph    2097 (107) 0.5 /
Williams, Grantham    2123 (100) 0.5 /
Seymour, E. (1)    1899 (164) 0.5 /
Peake, Alfred    1908 (101) 0.5 /
Curnock, Arthur    2042 (70) 0.5 /
Taylor, J.H.    2024 (107) 0.5 /
O'Neil, A.    1 /
Gibbs, G.H.    0 /
Ward, William    2302 (62) 1 /
Davidson, A.G.    2055 (109) 0 /
Booth, Alfred    1786 (149) 1 /
Vyse, W. Elliot    1904 (111) 0 /
Carson, Herbert    1931 (140) 1 /
Sturton, Henry    0 /
Michell, Reginald    2326 (60) 1 /
Latter, W.P.    1879 (168) 0 /
Dury, F.    0.5 /
Watt, John    0.5 /
Woon, Charles    2118 (71) 1 /
Delmar, E. (2)    0 /
Biaggini, C.E.    2164 (169) 0.5 /
Cresswell, E. (2)    1733 (204) 0.5 /
Anger, Frederick    2133 (104) 0.5 /
Henderson, E.    1898 (201) 0.5 /
Griffith, Richard    2171 (162) 0.5 /
Banks, H.J.    1954 (216) 0.5 /
Wallis, Francis    1700 (95) 0 /
Hart-Dyke, Percyvall    2111 (148) 1 /
Carson, Harry    1990 (102) 0.5 /
Keliher, Thomas    2117 (176) 0.5 /
Passmore, Samuel    2204 (87) 1 /
McLeod, B.    1746 (151) 0 /
Maas, Arthur    2216 (97) 0.5 /
Sargent, J.    1806 (179) 0.5 /
Young, Edward    2264 (161) 0 /
Flynn, J.a.    1 /
Huckvale, James    2082 (123) 0.5 /
Baxter, S.B.    2056 (179) 0.5 /
Clayton, A.    0 /
Shaw, E.A.    1 /
Thompson, W. (1)    0 /
Schwann, Edward    2014 (99) 1 /
Ryan, L.A.    1782 (189) 1 /
Fazan, William    1654 (183) 0 /
Peachey, Henry    2157 (67) 0.5 /
Hauff, F.A.    1878 (175) 0.5 /
Freeman, G.    1 /
Marshall, J.    0 /
Serraillier, Lucien    2214 (71) 1 /
Turner, E.R.    1832 (180) 0 /
Lowe, Hubert    2081 (88) 0 /
Fisher, A.W.    1 /
Bedford, T.A.    0 /
Redway, Charles    1 /
Hampton, W.    1 /
Johnson, H.W.    0 /
Nettleton, F.    1 /
Moore, T.H.    0 /
Coupland, W.C.    2058 (168) 1 /
Eastwood, J.H.    1851 (163) 0 /
Jacobs, Harold    2010 (158) 1 /
Webb, C.W.C.    1755 (191) 0 /
Coburn, Henry    1940 (118) 1 /
Root, T.    0 /
Hamlyn, W.H.    0.5 /
Reid, A.    0.5 /
Watson, A.H.    1591 (224) 0 /
Jones, R. (1)    1685 (209) 1 /
Yarnold, C.    0 /
Watts, John    1 /
Hughes-Hughes, Montague    1874 (127) 1 /
Bearne, W.J.    1664 (169) 0 /
Minchin, James    2052 (82) 1 /
Coxhead, J.G.L.    0 /
Pullinger, W.H.    0 /
Malan, H.N.    1 /
Lasek, L.    0.5 /
Foord, G.W.F.    0.5 /
Schooling, J.    0 /
Harley, T.R.    1 /
Myers, R.T.    1 /
Briscoe, R.G.    0 /
Hamburger, Eugène    2132 (126) 1 /
Read, S.    1854 (168) 0 /
Flear, Frederick    2151 (115) 1 /
Barlow, Henry    2136 (112) 0 /
Chappell, William    1 /
Provis, E.    0 /
Connery, E.    0 /
Storr-Best, Lloyd    1 /
Girdlestone, Thomas    1 /
Humphries, E.W.    0 /
Crane, Henry    2019 (122) 0.5 /
Nicholls, C.    1779 (179) 0.5 /
Tillard (1)    0 /
Softlaw, Harold    1 /
Hunt, Robert    1 /
Longsdon, W.H.    0 /
Huni, C.A.    1 /
Lawson, E.    0 /
Cutler, C.G.    1789 (135) 0 /
Nursey, A.C.    1994 (160) 1 /
Minchin, Charles    2041 (85) 1 /
Anspach, Frederick    1907 (130) 0 /
Hennell, J.E.    1804 (147) 0 /
Liversage, T.W.    1 /
Moulds, W.    0.5 /
Dancy, H.M.    0.5 /
Sergeant, Philip    2009 (103) 1 /
Cotton, William    1731 (174) 0 /
Webb, T.E.    0 /
Matthews, P.    1 /
Haydon, Thomas    0 /
Anderson, Donald    1 /
Baxter, Alexander    1875 (136) 1 /
Symons, H.H.    0 /
Hill, H.C.    0.5 /
Plummer, William    0.5 /
Morrison, George    2056 (172) 0.5 /
Merrill, E.J.    1883 (220) 0.5 /
Bechöfer, L.    1715 (223) 0.5 /
Ure, John    1807 (181) 0.5 /
Leon, Joseph    1752 (184) 0.5 /
Lorch, Charles    1998 (121) 0.5 /
Ropes, Arthur    1984 (103) 0.5 /
Huttley, E.J.    1843 (148) 0.5 /
Barfield, A.E.    1 /
Wightwick, W.N.    0 /
Healey, Percy    1943 (118) 0 /
Dunstan, Robert    2245 (96) 1 /
Saunders, Harold    1 /
Lenn, T.    0 /
Schulz, Cyril    1 /
Bloomfield, F.G.    0 /
Marshall, E.T.    0 /
Isaacs, J.H.    1 /
Knight, W.J.J.    2082 (141) 0.5 /
Phillips, T. (2)    1882 (210) 0.5 /
Scantlebury, H.G.    0.5 /
Marfleet, A.W.    0.5 /
Jackman, A.C.    1 /
Smith, P.B.    0 /
Hepworth, C.    0.5 /
Wood, A.H.    0.5 /
Coldwell, P.H.    1 /
Boulger, W.A.F.    0 /
Chatto, James    1983 (103) 0 /
Felce, G.A.    1929 (206) 1 /
Barrett, R.H.    1737 (173) 0 /
Poole, J.W.    1921 (115) 1 /
Bonwick, W.E.    1 /
Goodchild, F.C.    0 /
Boff, Frederick    1975 (189) 1 /
Beyfus, M.    1821 (178) 0 /
Detmold, J.A.    1777 (209) 0.5 /
Smith, A.C.    1922 (141) 0.5 /
Cuthbertson, R.A.    0 /
Childs, W.D.    1 /
Allcock, A.J.    1 /
Klein, R.A.    0 /
Liebenstein, Hermann    2154 (94) 1 /
Louis, F.V.    1731 (177) 0 /
Allcock, James    2048 (99) 1 /
Morton, C.D.    1679 (187) 0 /
Griffith, Daniel    0 /
Caulfield, C.W.    1 /
Smith, A. Morton    1 /
Penson, L.L.W.    0 /
Anger, E.    1762 (180) 0.5 /
Marshall, W.T.    1706 (173) 0.5 /
Chambers, R.F.    0.5 /
George, F.B.    0.5 /
Staniforth, H.S.    0 /
Barton, M.C.    1 /
Elwell, H.G.    1 /
Sully, B.J.    0 /
Smith, E.J.    0.5 /
Hearn, W.J.    0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: North of the Thames - South of the Thames Match
Place: London, England
Start date: 9 May 1896
End date: 9 May 1896
This was a 100-a-side team match played on 9 May 1896 between London players North of the Thames against those South of the Thames. Full results are given in the British Chess magazine of June 1896 (pp.226-231) and the Sunday Times of 10 May 1896 (p.8). The result was 57.5-42.5 for the North. Sergeant gives the correct date and total score, but gives the wrong result on the top board (he says Wayte beat Loman). The 23 May 1896 issue of the Illustrated London News (p.666) gives the total score as 56.5-43.5 for the North and gives the date as 7 May 1896, both in error. The British Chess Magazine has 'R.A. Klein' as opponent to F.J. Allcock, while the Sunday Times has 'H. Spaeth'. I will guess that the former is correct, since Klein is marked as a 'Reserve', perhaps replacing Spaeth.
   Sergeant, Century of British Chess, page 228
   [BCM], vol. 16, no. 6, June 1896, page 226
   [ILN], vol. 108, no. 2979, 23 May 1896, page 666
   [ST], no. 3814, 10 May 1896, page 8

Tournament information updated: 30 Oct. 2016